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发布时间:2023-12-18 22:23:57


W: May I help you, sir
M: Er, I’m wondering how much this book is.
W: There’s a price tag on the back page of each book. Have you seen it
M: Yes, I saw it. But I just can’t believe my eyes. Is it really $ 65
W: Well, I’ll check it through the scanner. Yes, it’s $65.
M: Wow! That’s a lot of money for a book.
W: Yes. Medical texts are usually very expensive.
M: Well, I regret choosing medicine as my major now. If I knew this earlier, I might choose to learn mathematics or something else.
W: Really
M: No, not really. I’m joking. I love medicine and hate mathematics. Although this book is quite expensive, I have to have it.
W: How would you like to pay for it, in cash or by credit card
M: In cash.
W: That’ll be $ 70. 36.
M: But you said it was $65.
W: Well, with tax, it comes to $ 70.36, sir.
M: There’s a tax eve
A. Medical books are expensive.
B. Books also have taxes.
C. He needs to pay extra money for the tax of the book.
D. All the above.

更多"W: May I help you, sir M: Er, I&r"的相关试题:


W: May I help you, sir
M: Er, I’m wondering how much this book is.
W: There’s a price tag on the back page of each book. Have you seen it
M: Yes, I saw it. But I just can’t believe my eyes. Is it really $ 65
W: Well, I’ll check it through the scanner. Yes, it’s $65.
M: Wow! That’s a lot of money for a book.
W: Yes. Medical texts are usually very expensive.
M: Well, I regret choosing medicine as my major now. If I knew this earlier, I might choose to learn mathematics or something else.
W: Really
M: No, not really. I’m joking. I love medicine and hate mathematics. Although this book is quite expensive, I have to have it.
W: How would you like to pay for it, in cash or by credit card
M: In cash.
W: That’ll be $ 70. 36.
M: But you said it was $65.
W: Well, with tax, it comes to $ 70.36, sir.
M: There’s a tax eve
A. Because he didn’t know the price.
B. Because he didn’t see the price tag.
C. Because medical texts are usually expensive.
D. Because the price is too high.


W: May I help you, Sir
M: Yes, could you show me some shirts Size 15, please.
W: All right, Sir. How about this one, it’s new style.
M: Oh, that must be file one I saw advertised in file paper.
W: Yes, that’s right.
M: Would you tell me the price
W: 10 dollars for one, and 17 dollars for 2.
M: All right, I’ll take 2.
W: Anything else, Sir
M: I may need some ties to match the shirts, but my birthday is next week and I may get some from my children.

How much does the man pay for the shirts he bought ( )
A. $ 70.
B. $ 20.
C. $10.
D. $17.

W: May I help you, sir
M: I’d like to send this parcel to Hong Kong.

Where are the speakers ()
A. At a bank.
B. At a shop.
C. At a bus station.
D. At a post office

W: May I help you, sir
M: I’d like to have a look at the menu first.

Where does the talk possibly take place ()
A. In a restaurant.
B. At a party.
C. In a hospital.
D. In a shop.

Conversation 2
W:May I help you, sir
M:Yes, could you show me some shirts Size 15, please.
W:All right, sir.How about this one It’s a new style.
M:Oh, that must be the one I saw advertised in the paper.
W:Yes, that’s right.
M:Would you tell me the price
W:(9)10 dollars for one, and 17 dollars for 2.
M:All right, I’ll take 2.
W:Anything else, sir
M:may need some ties to match the shirts,but my birthday is (10)next week and I may get some from my children.

How much does the man pay for the shirts he bought ()
A. $70. 
B. $20. 
C. $10. 
D. $17.

W: Can I help you sir
M: Yes, can you show me the way to gate nine for flight 910 to Hong Kong I am quite confused here.

Where will the man probably be( ).
A. At school.
B. In a Hong Kong five-star hotel.
C. On a busy road.
D. At an airport.

W: May I help you.sir
M: Yes.I’m looking for a nice gift for my mother.It’s her birthday tomorrow.
W: Do you have anything special in mind
M: No.not really.
W: Perhaps she would like a necklace.We have many choices here.
M: No, thanks. My mom doesn’t like jewels.
W: Well.then.Maybe a watch would be nice.
M: Yes,that’s it.She does need a new watch with big, clear numbers.She has complained a lot about the small numbers on her watch.
W: This gold one is pretty, and I’m sure it will be easy for her to read the time.
M: Don’t you think it’s a bit too fancy for old ladies
W: No, it actually sells very well and the old ladies like it very much.
M: Maybe you are right.I’ll take it.
W: I’m sure your mother will love it.
M: I hope so.

What was the man doing ()
A. Looking for a watch for his mother.
B. Looking for a necklace for his mother.
C. Looking for a birthday gift for his mother.

W: Good morning, sir. May I help you
M: Yes, I’d like to know if there is a bus to New Star Hotel.
W: There are two: one is 205 and the other is 310.
M: Which one arrives earlier
W: Let me see. Hmm, 205 will be earlier because its line is shorter.
M: Thank you.

How many buses are there to get to the place ()
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
[单项选择]Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you Customer: ______
A. Thank you. I’ll have fried tofu and stir-fried cauliflower.
B. Yes, please. I’d like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.
C. Sorry. I don’t need your help, thank you.
D. If you want to help me, I’ll be glad to accept it.
[单项选择]Sir, may I ask you ______ questions
A. some
B. many
C. any


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