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发布时间:2024-02-01 02:34:16


Conversation 2
W:May I help you, sir
M:Yes, could you show me some shirts Size 15, please.
W:All right, sir.How about this one It’s a new style.
M:Oh, that must be the one I saw advertised in the paper.
W:Yes, that’s right.
M:Would you tell me the price
W:(9)10 dollars for one, and 17 dollars for 2.
M:All right, I’ll take 2.
W:Anything else, sir
M:may need some ties to match the shirts,but my birthday is (10)next week and I may get some from my children.

How much does the man pay for the shirts he bought ()
A. $70. 
B. $20. 
C. $10. 
D. $17.

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Conversation 2
W:May I help you, sir
M:Yes, could you show me some shirts Size 15, please.
W:All right, sir.How about this one It’s a new style.
M:Oh, that must be the one I saw advertised in the paper.
W:Yes, that’s right.
M:Would you tell me the price
W:(9)10 dollars for one, and 17 dollars for 2.
M:All right, I’ll take 2.
W:Anything else, sir
M:may need some ties to match the shirts,but my birthday is (10)next week and I may get some from my children.

Why didn’t the man buy any ties ()
A. He already had a lot of ties.
B. He didn’t have enough money.
C. He might get some from his children.
D. He had to save money for his birthday.

W: May I help you, Sir
M: Yes, could you show me some shirts Size 15, please.
W: All right, Sir. How about this one, it’s new style.
M: Oh, that must be file one I saw advertised in file paper.
W: Yes, that’s right.
M: Would you tell me the price
W: 10 dollars for one, and 17 dollars for 2.
M: All right, I’ll take 2.
W: Anything else, Sir
M: I may need some ties to match the shirts, but my birthday is next week and I may get some from my children.

How much does the man pay for the shirts he bought ( )
A. $ 70.
B. $ 20.
C. $10.
D. $17.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
M: May I help you
W: Yes, (8) my nephew Jim is graduating from college next week and I’d like to get him a nice gift.
M: What price are you interested in We’ll need to know that before we begin looking.
W: Well, I usually spend about twenty dollars for a gift. Do you have anything nice for that price
M: How about a pen
W: No, (9) my brother gave him that for his birthday last year.
M: Well, then, would he enjoy a chess set
W: No, he doesn’t like chess very much, but he is quite athletic.
M: (10) Then you could get him a tennis racket.
W: That’s a good idea. I’ll take it.

Why does the woman want to buy a gift()
A. To show her love to him.
B. Her nephew required.
C. To celebrate her nephew’s birthday.
D. To celebrate her nephew’s graduation.

W: May I help you.sir
M: Yes.I’m looking for a nice gift for my mother.It’s her birthday tomorrow.
W: Do you have anything special in mind
M: No.not really.
W: Perhaps she would like a necklace.We have many choices here.
M: No, thanks. My mom doesn’t like jewels.
W: Well.then.Maybe a watch would be nice.
M: Yes,that’s it.She does need a new watch with big, clear numbers.She has complained a lot about the small numbers on her watch.
W: This gold one is pretty, and I’m sure it will be easy for her to read the time.
M: Don’t you think it’s a bit too fancy for old ladies
W: No, it actually sells very well and the old ladies like it very much.
M: Maybe you are right.I’ll take it.
W: I’m sure your mother will love it.
M: I hope so.

What was the man doing ()
A. Looking for a watch for his mother.
B. Looking for a necklace for his mother.
C. Looking for a birthday gift for his mother.

W: Can I help you sir
M: Yes, can you show me the way to gate nine for flight 910 to Hong Kong I am quite confused here.

Where will the man probably be( ).
A. At school.
B. In a Hong Kong five-star hotel.
C. On a busy road.
D. At an airport.

A--Good morning, sir. May I help you
B--Yes. I have a room booked with you, for five days starting today. My name is Yu. Y - U.
C--Thank you, Mr. Yu. Please wait one moment while I check our reservations list. (pause) That’ s Mr. David Yu, from Taipei
D--Yes, it is.
E--Mr. Yu, everything is O.K. Your booking is from today through Friday. Single room. Your room number is 505. Here’ s your key.
F--Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction
G--Certainly, sir. The elevators are right across the lobby. Floors two to fifteen are the elevators to the right. (at the ex change desk)
H--Hi. I’ d like to cash an American Express traveler’ s check.
I--Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number And I’ll need to see your pass port.
J--Sure. Can you give me twenty dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change
K--No proble


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