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发布时间:2023-12-10 03:47:45


Your workmate Hank is elected as the manager of your department of your company. Write a letter to congratulate him, state the reason for his success, and express your best wishes and encouragement.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.

更多"Directions: Your workmate Hank is e"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—I’m disappointed with the officer elected in our town.
—I am too, but there’s no point()about it.
A. we worry
B. in worrying
C. to worry
D. with us worrying

W: I wonder ii I could borrow your dictionary
M: You certainly could if I had one, but I lost my old one yesterday and I haven’t bought a new one yet.

What did the man say about his dictionary()
A. He has bought a new one.
B. He lost his old one and borrowed a new one.
C. He didn’t have any dictionary them
[单项选择]Woman: Are you going to Hawaii on your vacation
Man: Not this year. I am broke.
Woman: Oh! Come on.
Question: How does the woman take the man’s words
A. She thinks he’s not serious.
B. She feels sorry for the man.
C. She is surprised.
D. She is amused.

Hey Bill. This is Hank. I’m just calling to let you know that Mary cannot go to your house tomorrow night because she has to attend a dancing party and I’ll be a little late. I will have a meeting and finish a report. I should finish my work sometime between seven and eight. Oh, then I’m planning on dropping by Lisa’s house for about an hour since she’s been sick recently. And, uh, one more thing, I’ll stop by my house to get some food for the game. See you then.

When will Hank visit Lisa( ).
A. After finishing the report.
B. After getting some food.
C. After having a meeting.

W: Where did you and Sue go on your vacation
M: We spent three days in Scotland, one week in Spain, and five days in Switzerland.

Which of the following countries was NOT mentioned ()
A. Spain.
B. Sweden.
C. Scotland.
D. Switzerland.

W: Did you see the doctor about your cough
M: The doctor said if I keep smoking, it will increase my chance of having a heart attack or lung disease.

What is true about the man ()
A. The man has a cough.
B. The man gave up smoking.
C. The man has a lung disease.
D. The man has a heart attack.

W: What did you do after you lost your wallet
M: I turned to the monitor and he reported it to the announcer of the college.

What did the man do after he lost his wallet()
A. He turned to the monitor.
B. He turned to the teacher.
C. He turned to the policeman.
D. He reported it to the announcer.

W: May I have your order
M: Order7 Are you kidding I even have no idea of the shape!
W: I am deeply sorry for that. I will give the menu as soon as possible.
M: OK, I will wait for you!

Where does the conversation happen()
A. At the airport.
B. At the police station.
C. At the hospital.
D. At the restaurant.

W: Do you live near your company
M: I live in the suburbs, and my company is in the center of the city. It’s an hour’s drive. I enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road. I can relax myself completely.

How does the man feel about driving to work( ).
A. Relaxed
B. Tired
C. Bored
D. Lonely

W: Hello. How was your vacation
M: It was great. A whole week at the seaside, swimming in the sum I feel completely relaxed.
W: (6) How I envy you! Do you know what I was doing when you were enjoying your life
M: (7) Working as usual.
W: Right. And I was also asked to do some of your work.
M: I’m sorry. They should have waited for me to come back.
W: Don’t worry. Go to your desk and you’ll find lots of e-mails waiting for you.
M: Oh, it’s terrible, so many!
W: Well, it’s really hard for you to make up for the lost time.
M: Yeah, I agree.

What is the woman’s attitude towards the man’s enjoying a holiday ()
A. She disliked him.
B. She laughed at him.
C. She envied him.
D. She felt depressed.

W: Hi, Jack. how was your weekend
M: Fine. I went back to my hometown.
W: What did you do there May I ask
M: I went to visit my middle school and saw some of my old classmates and teachers. We had a nice talk.
W: how wonderful! What else did you do there
M: We went climbing the mountain too, and the scene there was very beautiful. Mary, what about your weekend
W: Oh, don’t ask me, Jack.
M: What happened
W: I got a bad cold. I could do nothing but lie in bed.
M: Oh, dear, you’re really unlucky.

Where did Jack go last weekend ()
A. To the hospital.
B. To the beach.
C. To his university.
D. To his hometown.

W: What’s the time by your watch
M: Ten-thirty. But it’s three minutes slow.

What’s the correct time( ).
A. 10:33.
B. 10:27.
C. 10:30.

W: How’s your exam
M: I failed again.
W: Why Did you oversleep again
M: No, I didn’t.
W: Then, what’s wrong with you
M: I can’t tell you.
W: Come on. I’m your best friend. You can tell me and I can help you.
M: You know, this time I made full preparations, but John told me that he couldn’t pass the exam since he had to spend all his spare time looking after his mother in the hospital. So I let him copy my answer during the exam. And we were caught by the teacher. Both of us failed.

What is wrong with the man( ).
A. He overslept again.
B. He couldn’t tell the truth to the woman.
C. He failed the exam again.

W: What’s the time by your watch
M: Ten-thirty. But it’s three minutes slow.

What’s the correct time ( )
A. 10:33.
B. 10:27.
C. 10:30.


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