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发布时间:2024-03-23 03:59:46

[单项选择]—I’m disappointed with the officer elected in our town.
—I am too, but there’s no point()about it.
A. we worry
B. in worrying
C. to worry
D. with us worrying

更多"—I’m disappointed with the officer "的相关试题:


Your workmate Hank is elected as the manager of your department of your company. Write a letter to congratulate him, state the reason for his success, and express your best wishes and encouragement.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.


M: I’m sorry that I completely forgot our appointment yesterday.
W: Never mind, so did I.

What can be concluded from the conversation ()
A. The appointment was made yesterday.
B. Both of them completed the work.
C. Neither of them remembered the appointment.
D. One of them forgot the appointment.

M: I don’t like our son at all. I like our daughter very much.
W: He is handsome and he is so bright that he is the best one in his class. Why don’t you like him
M: Because he will not treat us well when we are too old to do anything.
W: How do you know that
M: I have learned that from what you and I did.

How does the wife like her son()
A. Her son is handsome and bright.
B. Her son isn’t a good boy.
C. Her son is bad.
I’m Lovin’ It

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1. ______
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[填空题]Our lives are woven together. As much as I enjoy my own (26) , I no longer imagine I can (27) a single day, much less all my life, completely on my own. Even if I am on (28) in the mountains, I am eating food someone else has grown, living in a house someone else has built, wearing clothes someone else has sewn from cloth woven by others, using (29) someone else is distributing to my house. (30) of interdependence is everywhere. We are on this (31) together.
As I was growing up, I remember being carefully taught that independence not interdependence was everything. "Make your own way," " (32) ," or my mother’s favorite remark when I was face-to-face with consequences of some action: "Now that you’ve made your bed, lie on it!" Total independence is a (33) theme in our culture. I imagine that what my parents were trying to teach me was to (34) my actions and my choices. But the teaching


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