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发布时间:2024-06-29 02:20:03

[填空题]With more electrical household appliances coming into being during the twentieth century,_______________(妇女孩子花在做家务方面的时间比例大大减少了)

更多"With more electrical household appl"的相关试题:

[填空题]With more electrical household appliances coming into being during the twentieth century,_______________(妇女孩子花在做家务方面的时间比例大大减少了)
[单项选择]Electrical appliances such as toasters or hair dryers are designed to (take advantage of) the ability of an electric current to heat a wire.
A. augment
B. make sense of
C. make use of
D. reinstall
[单项选择]It was the day I froze a household pet that I began to worry about my memory. Technically, it was not a real household pet I froze but a bag of tropical fish, which on the scale of beloved members of any home, rank somewhere below the family cat and above all attractive set of coasters. And technically, I didn’t completely freeze my fish. Rather, I absent-mindedly tossed them into the refrigerator with a bag of other things I had bought and fortunately found them just before my highly sensitive tropical fish could turn into lightly breaded dinner fish.
Nonetheless, that near-death experience--for the fish, if not for me--woke me up to the fact that my memory might not be all it once was.
In the hope of improving my memory, I decided I would first try the memory books. However, much of what I read was, at first blush, utterly forgettable.
If I was truly going to juice up my recall, however, book reading wouldn’t cut it. What I needed was some kind of memory pill. T
A. forgotten to feed her fish
B. misplaced a bag of tropical fish
C. misplaced a bag of dinner fish
D. forgotten to freeze her fish
[填空题]I had known about his coming, I would have met him at the station.
The more I learn, the more ignorant I find myself to be.

[单项选择]A. The more I work, the more I love my job. B. The job is OK, but the pay is low.
C. That’s my favorite job. D. I found the job is interesting.

The more I learn, the more ignorant I find myself to be.
[简答题]Information technology will become more and more important for hospitals to ______.
[单项选择]______ you were coming, I"d have met you at the railway station.
A. I had known
B. I have known
C. Had I known
D. Have I known
[简答题]TOPIC: The more I learn, the more ignorant I find myself to be.

The more I see of the Internet, the more enthusiastic I am. We’ re living through a period of dynamic change. America is ahead just now, with over 50 per cent of the population online; Britain is next, then Scandinavia and Japan, with the rest of Europe lagging surprising ly behind. But it won’ t be long before everyone catches up. In the third world especially, the Internet will be a liberating force that will power democracy and economic growth.
(46) The lightning speed of American decision-making in today’ s business world is embedded in the technology. In the 1980s, American companies, desperate to fend off Japan and Germany, shed their bureaucratic aspects and returned to the knife-edge of the market. Companies began to be ran much more aggressively in the interests of shareholders, and that powered the adoption of new technology. The pay of CEOs was tied to stock market performance and businessmen got rich in a way they never previously imag


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