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发布时间:2024-03-06 19:33:20


Which of the following about pickpocket is NOT true
Throughout history, people have been the victims of pickpockets. Today, pickpocketing is one of the most rapidly increasing crimes. Pickpockets are increasing in number and developing better methods to apply their skill. Approximately, one million Americans lose money to pickpockets every year, and no one is really safe from a skilled pickpocket. His victims, or "marks" as they are called, can be rich or poor, young or old.
During the 18th century, pickpockets were hanged in England. Large crowds of people would gather to watch the hanging which was supposed to be a warning to other pickpockets. However, in time the practice was stopped. The reason: while people were concentratively watching the hanging of a pickpocket other pickpockets skillfully stole the money of the spectators!
Police officials say that most efficient pickpockets come from South America. Many of these expert pickpockets are
A. It is a fast increasing crime.
B. Its methods are improving.
C. Nobody is safe from a veteran pickpocket.
D. There are about 4,000,000 victims every year.

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Which of the following about pickpocket is NOT true
Throughout history, people have been the victims of pickpockets. Today, pickpocketing is one of the most rapidly increasing crimes. Pickpockets are increasing in number and developing better methods to apply their skill. Approximately, one million Americans lose money to pickpockets every year, and no one is really safe from a skilled pickpocket. His victims, or "marks" as they are called, can be rich or poor, young or old.
During the 18th century, pickpockets were hanged in England. Large crowds of people would gather to watch the hanging which was supposed to be a warning to other pickpockets. However, in time the practice was stopped. The reason: while people were concentratively watching the hanging of a pickpocket other pickpockets skillfully stole the money of the spectators!
Police officials say that most efficient pickpockets come from South America. Many of these expert pickpockets are
A. Hanging was a useless warning.
B. It was too cruel and violent.
C. Too many people watched the practice.
D. Other pickpockets were only spectators.

[单项选择]Which of the following statements about immigration in Canada is not true
A. It is estimated that one-third of Canadians were born in other countries.
B. Immigration has always been an important source of its population growth.
C. Immigration has played an important role in the development of its economy.
D. In the past Britain and Western Europe were the principal sources of Canadian immigration.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about uncovered call options is least accurate()
A. The loss potential to the writer is unlimited.
B. The most the writer can make is the premium plus the difference between the exercise price (X) and the stock price (S).
C. The profit potential to the holder is unlimited.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about capitalizing expenses and depreciation is most accurate()
A. The capitalization of a marketing expenditure (instead of expensing it immediately) will result in an increase in fixed asset turnover ratio.
B. The sum-of-years-digits depreciation method charges the largest amount of depreciation in the first year and then decreases at a declining rate each subsequent year.
C. The sum-of-years-digits depreciation method charges the largest amount of depreciation in the first year and then decreases by a constant amount each subsequent year.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about financial statements and reporting standards is least accurate()
A. Reporting standards focus mostly on format and presentation and allow management wide latitude in assumptions.
B. The objective of financial statements is to provide economic decision makers with useful information.
C. Financial statements could potentially take any form if reporting standards didn’t exist.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about efficient markets and indexes is FALSE()
A. An unweighted index assumes that investors make and maintain an equal dollar investment in each stock in the index.
B. External efficiency means prices adjust rapidly to new information.
C. Efficient markets tests have found that stocks with high price-to-earnings ratios (P/E) tend to outperform stocks with low P/E ratios.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about investment constraints is FALSE()
A. Diversification efforts can increase tax liability.
B. Investors concerned about time horizon are not likely to worry about liquidity.
C. Tax deferral usually makes more sense for the young than for the old.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about portfolio theory is least accurate( )
A. As the correlation between two assets increases, the benefits of diversification also increase.
B. The optimal portfolio for each investor is at the point where her highest indifference curve is tangent to the efficient frontier.
C. The efficient frontier represents the set of portfolios that has the highest rate of return for every given level of risk, or the lowest risk for every level of return.
[单项选择]According to Kelvin, which of the following is TRUE
A. Customers go to the bar to buy their drinks.
B. Customers have to queue for drinks at the bar.
C. Customers have to wait for someone to take their orders.
D. A waitress normally comes to the tables to take orders or money.
[单项选择] Which of the following statements about the symbols is INCORRECT
A. Both are used as the organization’’s official symbols.
B. Both are used regardless of religious significance.
C. The red cross was the organization’’s original symbol.
D. The red crescent was later adopted for use in certain regions.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about Robert is INCORRECT()from next week.
A. He is interested in acting.
B. He is taking some difficult courses.
C. He will go to the rehearsal next Thursday.
D. He will participate in the rehearsal
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about the woman is TRUE()
A. She often goes in a drugstore just looking around.
B. She prefers making purchase in a department store.
C. She will buy something every time in a store.
D. She sometimes talks herself out of buying something in a store.
[单项选择]Which of the following details about Family Health International is INCORRECT ( ).
A. It is a nonprofit organization.
B. It provides public health services.
C. It carries out research on public health.
D. It has worked in five countries till now.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about the management trainee scheme is TRUE
A. Trainees axe required to sign contracts initially.
B. Trainees’ performance is evaluated when necessary.
C. Trainees’ starting salary is 870 pounds.
D. Trainees cannot quit the management scheme.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about swap agreements is FALSE( )
A. They are standardized agreements, similar to futures. 
B. Interest rate and currency are common types of swaps. 
C. They allow for the exchange of different sets of future cash flows.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRK) is FALSE()
A. The NPV method assumes that cash flows will be reinvested at the cost of capital while the IRR method assumes that they are reinvested at the IRR.
B. The IRR is the discount rate that equals the present value of the cash inflows with the present value of outflows.
C. On mutually exclusive projects, if the NPV method and the IRR method give conflicting signals, you should use the IRR to select the project.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about a monopolist is least accurate()
A. A profit-maximizing monopolist will expand output until marginal revenue equals marginal cost.
B. A profit-maximizing monopolist will supply less of his product than the amount consistent with the conditions of ideal static efficiency for an economy.
C. A monopolist will always be able to earn economic profit.


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