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发布时间:2023-12-17 22:24:46

[单项选择]According to Kelvin, which of the following is TRUE
A. Customers go to the bar to buy their drinks.
B. Customers have to queue for drinks at the bar.
C. Customers have to wait for someone to take their orders.
D. A waitress normally comes to the tables to take orders or money.

更多"According to Kelvin, which of the f"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to Kelvin, cordials refer to______.
A. carbonated water
B. soft drinks
C. strong and sweet drinks
D. mineral water

Which of the following about pickpocket is NOT true
Throughout history, people have been the victims of pickpockets. Today, pickpocketing is one of the most rapidly increasing crimes. Pickpockets are increasing in number and developing better methods to apply their skill. Approximately, one million Americans lose money to pickpockets every year, and no one is really safe from a skilled pickpocket. His victims, or "marks" as they are called, can be rich or poor, young or old.
During the 18th century, pickpockets were hanged in England. Large crowds of people would gather to watch the hanging which was supposed to be a warning to other pickpockets. However, in time the practice was stopped. The reason: while people were concentratively watching the hanging of a pickpocket other pickpockets skillfully stole the money of the spectators!
Police officials say that most efficient pickpockets come from South America. Many of these expert pickpockets are
A. It is a fast increasing crime.
B. Its methods are improving.
C. Nobody is safe from a veteran pickpocket.
D. There are about 4,000,000 victims every year.

[单项选择]According to Foley, which of the following aspects of the political and historical events of the late twentieth-century confirm Darwinian theory
A. Social conservatism demands that human beings conform to established standards of behavior.
B. As a movement, Nazism was doomed to perish by the same evolutionary forces that govern the expression of human emotions.
C. The events of the twentieth century prove that social and biological thinking are incommensurate with one another.
D. The disintegration of the postwar order was brought about by faulty relativist thinking.
E. The decline of social progress indicates that social goals are limited by biological forces.
[单项选择]According to Miriam, which of the following statements is INCORRECT
A. Extending school year can reduce the quality of the time in class.
B. Extending school year can interrupt family life.
C. Extending school year doesn’t necessarily improve test scores.
D. Extending school year may increase the cost of schools.
[单项选择]According to Edward, which of the following is CORRECT( ).
A. A sociable person is suitable to live in the city suburbs.
B. Suburban houses are more expensive than houses in cities.
C. City suburbs are conveniently located for commuting to work.
D. City suburbs are popular among the young generation.
[单项选择]According to Simon, which of the following is NOT the purpose in keeping table manners
A. To share food.
B. To reduce violence.
C. To bring about comfort.
D. To show off cultivation.
[单项选择]According to James, which of the following does NOT make an ethical shopper
A. He/she is concerned about the human labor involved in the product.
B. He/she wonders whether the company in involved in armaments.
C. He/she wonders whether the company manages to make ends meet.
D. He/she wants to know which party the company financially supports.
[单项选择]According to the dialogue, which of the following things may not be Peter’s choice at the weekend

According to the dialogue, which of the following things may not be Peter’s choice at the weekend
A.Go to a pub for a drink. B.Do some washing.
C.Go to the church. D.Have a big brunch.
A. Go to a pub for a drink.
B. Do some washing.
C. Go to the church.
D. Have a big brunch.
[单项选择]According to the textbook, which of the following is NOT true()
A. The western people are good at abstract thinking.
B. he Chinese people are particularly good at artistic thinking.
C. Abstract and artistic thinking are mutually exclusive.
D. Abstract and artistic thinking themselves are not mutually exclusive.
[单项选择]According to the interview, which of the following phenomena CANNOT be called synaesthesia
Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the interview
A. They were running out of time at the end of the interview.
B. Dr. Spence was able to establish the cause of synaesthesia.
C. Some people assumed that sense works in isolation.
D. The color of furniture in a room may have an effect on people’s appetite.


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