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发布时间:2023-10-23 16:25:48

[简答题]The theory of social Darwinism generally claims that individuals, groups and peoples or cultures are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as are plants and animals. The theory holds that "superior" individuals or groups survived and succeeded while the inferior disappeared, with a consequent benefit to society, and that the existing order must be the natural one. Any individual, group or institution that survives the struggle to exist over a long period of time is regarded as having displayed evidence for its own "natural" superiority and legitimacy, similar to the Darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest". In history, this theory has been questioned because it could be easily used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism.

更多"The theory of social Darwinism gene"的相关试题:

[简答题]The theory of social Darwinism generally claims that individuals, groups and peoples or cultures are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as are plants and animals.
The theory holds that "superior" individuals or groups survived and succeeded while the inferior disappeared, with a consequent benefit to society, and that the existing order must be the natural one. Any individual, group or institution that survives the struggle to exist over a long period of time is regarded as having displayed evidence for its own "natural" superiority and legitimacy, similar to the Darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest". In history, this theory has been questioned because it could be easily used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism.

One of the appealing features of game theory is the way it reflects so many aspects of real life. To win a game, or survive in the jungle, or succeed in business, you need to know how to play your cards. You have to know when to hold them and know when to fold. And usually you have to think fast. Winners excel at making smart snap judgments. In the jungle, you don’t have time to calculate, using game theory or otherwise, the relative merits of fighting or fleeing, hiding or seeking.
Animals know this. They constantly face many competing choices from a long list of possible behaviors, as neuroscientists Gregory Berns and Read Montague have observed. "Do I chase this new prey or do I continue nibbling on my last kill Do I run from the possible predator that I see in the bushes or the one that I hear Do I chase that potential mate or do I wait around for something better"
Presumably, animals don’t deliberate such decisions consciously, at least
A. adopting new theories for their work
B. identifying the details of a situation
C. making quick and wise decisions
D. handling interpersonal relationships

[简答题]Discuss Chomsky’s binding theory in relation to the Chinese reflexive 自己.

The theory of the Social Contract, first formulated by the English philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, assumes that men at first lived in a state of anarchy in which there was no society, no government, and no organized coercion of the individual by the group. Hobbes maintained that by the social contract men had surrendered their natural liberties in order to enjoy the order and safety of the organized state. The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in Le Contrat Social (1762), found the general will, a means of establishing reciprocal rights and duties, privileges, and responsibilities as a basis of the state. Similar ideas were used as a justification for both the American and the French revolutions in the 18th century. Thomas Jefferson held that the preservation of certain natural rights was an essential part of the social contract, and that "consent of the governed" was fundamental to any exercise of governmental power. The Social Contract theory has wi
A. have abandoned the natural liberties to form the society in which they now live
B. have incarcerated themselves voluntarily
C. have forfeited their political rights completely
D. have triumphed over their enslavement

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[填空题]Private claims advocates help people figure out their bills free of charge.
[单项选择]______ developed the atomic theory in the 18th century.
A. Francis Glisson
B. John Dalton
C. Robert Boyle
D. Benjamin Franklin
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