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发布时间:2024-01-31 21:53:22

[单项选择]How long have the woman been working in the lab

更多"How long have the woman been workin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How long have the woman been working in the lab
A. Four years.
B. Just three years.
C. Almost three years.
[单项选择]How long have you been learning English()
A. Three years ago.
B. For three years.
C. Maybe in three years.
D. No, only three years.

W: So, how long have you been hem
M: Just a couple of days; actually, I am on a big journey. You know. I’m visiting the places of interest here.

What’s the man doing( ).
A. He’s working in a hotel.
B. He’s visiting a young people.
C. He’s traveling around.
As long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take from the ocean and we give (41) it.
We take fish from the ocean — millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to (42) millions of people. We even use (43) bones for fertilizer and meal.
We take (44) from the ocean. One way to get salt (45) sea water in a shallow basin and leave it (46) it evaporates. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation — iodine (碘), magnesium(镁), and bromine(溴), to (47) a few.
Much gold and silver drift (48) in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not (49) them up by simple evaporation.
Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges(海绵), and seaweed. Pearls become jewelry. (50) sponges become cleaning aids. Seaweed becomes (51) of many kinds —
A. in
B. up
C. to
D. for
[填空题]How long have astronomers studied the planets and other objects in space

For as long as there have been archaeologists, there have been guesses about what they would discover if they were to analyze their own society’s refuse(垃圾) Which such speculations (沉思) often have been humors, they are based on a serious rationale (方式) Archaeologists have learned improtant information about past societies by analyzing the patterns, in arivent garbage (方式) so they should be able to learn something about contemporary societies from fresh garbage. Just as the pieces of pottery (陶器)broken stone tools, and cut animal bones in old refuse middens(垃圾堆)provide a surprisingly detailed (详细的) view of past life styles, so should the labeled packages, food debris (核骸) discarded (抛弃) clothing, and used batteries (电池) in modem middens reveal intimate (个人的)details of our lives today.
Indeed, if our garbage can teach us things about our behaviors as consumers that will enrich(使丰富) human life and help reduce the undesirable (不受欢迎的) environmental consequences of the in
A. the proportion of materials which break down within landfills
B. how much people eat and drink in their daily lives
C. the fluids that leak out of MSW landfills
D. how to compose the landfill wasters


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