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发布时间:2023-11-19 23:01:49

[填空题]Hundreds of young people who joined Yadin in digging at Masada were also archaeologists.

更多"Hundreds of young people who joined"的相关试题:

[填空题]Hundreds of young people joined in digging at Masada because they wanted to prove the story was true.
[填空题]Yadin needed hundreds of people to help him because the palace of Masada was huge and the work was difficult.
[填空题]Hundreds of people who were killed or injured in the explosion were all African Americans.

[填空题]How Europe fails its young
Those Europeans who are tempted, in the light of the dismal scenes in New Orleans this fortnight, to downgrade the American challenge should meditate on one word: universities. Five years ago in Lisbon European officials proclaimed their intention to become the world’s premier "knowledge economy" by 2010. The thinking behind this grand declaration made sense of a sort: Europe’s only chance of preserving its living standards lies in working smarter than its competitors rather than harder or cheaper. But Europe’s failing higher-education system poses a lethal threat to this ambition.
Europe created the modem university. Scholars were gathering in Paris and Bologna before America was on the map. Oxford and Cambridge invented the residential university: the idea of a community of scholars, living together to pursue higher learning. Germany created the research university. A century ago European universities were a magnet for scholars and a mo

Beside young teachers, who can also benefit from practical teaching hints

One morning a young woman, who has recently lost her first job, was examining the advertisements in the paper in search of other work. Suddenly she called out to her mother, who was in the kitchen. "Listen to this, Mother!" she cried. "I’ye found an easy way of making money."
"What is it" her mother asked, coming into the room. "Listen," said the girl, and read the advertisement aloud: "Do you want to make money Send me a postal order for five pence, together with a stamped, addressed envelope. You will receive a reply showing you how to make hundreds of pounds without leaving your house." Then there’s a name and address.
"Nonsense!" said her mother. "You’ll only lose five pence and the cost of a postal order and two stamps. If he knows how to do that, why doesn’t he do it himself Why does he need to advertise You won’t get an answer."
"Well, five pence
A. Send a postal for five pence and an envelope with a stamp and her address.
B. Continue to read the latter half of the advertisement.
C. Send some money.
D. Buy some envelopes.


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