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发布时间:2023-11-16 01:26:01

[填空题]Yadin needed hundreds of people to help him because the palace of Masada was huge and the work was difficult.

更多"Yadin needed hundreds of people to "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Jane is always ready to help people in need because she thinks it a ______.
A. business
B. reward
C. pleasure
D. favour
[填空题]Hundreds of young people who joined Yadin in digging at Masada were also archaeologists.
[单项选择]A. Let him win a tennis game.
B. Help him finish his history project.
C. Give him some medicine for his stomach.
D. Lend him her history book.
[单项选择]A. Let him win a tennis game. B. Help him finish his anthropology project.
C. Give him some medicine for his stomach. D. Lend him her anthropology book.
[单项选择]Jonathan needs ()to help him write the report
A. anyone  
B. one
C. some  
D. someone
[单项选择]A. To help him explain the information to his roommate.
B. To help him write a paper.
C. To prepare for a test.
D. To tell her if the notes are accurate.
[单项选择]Afghan people are suffering from starvation because
A. melting snow begins to block the mountain paths.
B. the Taliban have destroyed existing food stocks.
C. the Taliban are hindering food deliveries.
D. an emergency air-lift of food was cancelled.
[单项选择]A. She will help him to do the experiment.
B. She has ever met such kind of problems before.
C. He shouldn’t do the experiment at all.
D. He must be extremely careful.
[单项选择]A. She could help him with the problems. B. He should go out for a while.
C. She could go out together with him. D. He should do the problems himself.
[单项选择]A. To ask the speaker to help him.
B. To ask the speaker to do it instead of him.
C. To ask the speaker to go away.
D. To ask the speaker not to say anything.

In some cases, people support human cloning because they are unwilling to
[单项选择]Mr Johnson thinks that ________can help him a lot in the job.
A. logic
B. writing
C. history
D. mathematics
[填空题]Psychiatrist Tiller urge people to get help for young Australian men by teaching them to ______.

[填空题]Many other people stay in their jobs simply because it’s easier to stay with the ____________ pain.
[单项选择]Nearly 5,000 people below the age of 21 die because of excessive alcohol consumption each year. Oddly, this has triggered a new movement to lower the drinking age. In America, young people can vote, drive, marry, divorce, hunt and go to war before alcohol is legally allowed to touch their lips. Many states once set their minimum drinking-age at 18. But in 1984 Ronald Reagan oversaw the passage of the "21 law", which requires states to set 21 as the minimum drinking-age or risk losing 10% of their highway funds. Now campaigners want to move it back.
In the past, states have been too financially timid to challenge the 21 law. But calls for change are growing louder. Two local judges in South Carolina recently ruled that banning 18- to 20-year-olds from drinking or possessing alcohol is unconstitutional. Public officials, including the former attorney general of South Dakota, have called the 21 law a failure. The about-face of Morris Chafetz, a doctor who served on the commission tha


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