发布时间:2024-09-19 18:26:52


Itzhak Perlman was born in Israel. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in (16) every large city. He has won fifteen Grammy Awards and four Emmys.
Perlman suffered a terrible disease which hurt his (17) at four. Today he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches(拐杖). But none of these (18) him from playing the violin. As a young child, he took his first lessons at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his (16) talent was recognized. At the age of thirteen he went to the United States to (20) on television. His playing led him to the Juilliard School in New York.
His music is full of power and strength. It can be (21) or joyful, loud or soft. But people say it is not the music (22) that makes his playing so particular. They say he is able to show the joy he (23) in playing, and the feelings that great music can express.

Anyone who has attended (出席) h
A. even 
B. almost 
C. only 
D. already

更多"Itzhak Perlman was born in Israel. "的相关试题:


Itzhak Perlman was born in Israel. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in (16) every large city. He has won fifteen Grammy Awards and four Emmys.
Perlman suffered a terrible disease which hurt his (17) at four. Today he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches(拐杖). But none of these (18) him from playing the violin. As a young child, he took his first lessons at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his (16) talent was recognized. At the age of thirteen he went to the United States to (20) on television. His playing led him to the Juilliard School in New York.
His music is full of power and strength. It can be (21) or joyful, loud or soft. But people say it is not the music (22) that makes his playing so particular. They say he is able to show the joy he (23) in playing, and the feelings that great music can express.

Anyone who has attended (出席) h
A. hands 
B. arms 
C. legs 
D. eyes

[单项选择]His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar().
A. hidden
B. sophisticated
C. delicate
D. profound
Jim was born after his elder brother and sister. He could learn many things from them. Soon, he developed his own way of doing things by developing his mind through his interest in creating stories. He read more than most children and he gathered his inspiration from history books. In school, his athletic interests were basketball and bike, especially high jump. When he found he could jump a little higher than most students, he decided that jumping over a high bar would be his specialty.
Jim continued his learning interest in history which included serious college study, and a Master’s degree. He is now a university professor at a small university. In the United States there are many schools that have history departments. There are large universities with as many as 60 thousand students and small universities with as few as 2 000
A. Jim is the second child in his family.
B. Jim bas a younger sister.
C. Jim is the third child in his family.
D. Jim is the only child in his family.
[单项选择]His interest in music dates back to his childhood, when he used to listen to his father playing the piano.
A. 他小时候对音乐非常感兴趣是由于那时他常常听父亲弹钢琴。
B. 他对音乐的兴趣源于童年时代,那时他就常常听父亲弹钢琴。
C. 他童年时代就习惯于听父亲弹钢琴,那时开始对音乐产生了兴趣。
D. 他在童年时代就习惯于听父亲弹钢琴,常常沉浸在充满着音乐的好时光里。
[单项选择]A. His love for music is an attraction to his wife.
B. He and his wife are bound to be musicians.
C. Neither of the couple can play musical instruments.
D. He wife plays an important role in his music career.
[填空题]His English teacher helped him with his English.
His English teacher helped him ______.


Mr. Fern was born in a big city. His father owned several companies and earned a lot of money. He could give his son all the young man wanted. He was busy with his business and never asked him how he got along with his studies. So the boy spent most time in the restaurants or cinemas. Of course he was not good at his lessons and learned nothing at school. He made many friends but none of them was good and when they knew he came from a rich family, they began to teach him to gamble(赌博). Of course he lost much money.
Now Mr. Fern was twenty and finished middle school. He could do nothing. But his father didn’ t mind it until one day he found the young man had sold one of his companies. He became so angry that he made him leave his house. The young man couldn’ t gamble any longer. His friends made him pay his debt. He had to ask his mother to help him and the woman often gave him some money. But one evening his father happened to find it. The old man stopped his
A. his son had learned nothing at school
B. his son was weak at all his lessons
C. his son couldn’t do anything in the companies
D. his son had sold one of his companies


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