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发布时间:2024-06-28 03:25:05

[填空题]______(只有当你快要失去什么人时) that you become fully conscious of how much you value him.

更多"______(只有当你快要失去什么人时) that you becom"的相关试题:

这段文字意在说明( )。
A. 自律是一个成功者的首要美德
B. 作为领导者要懂得“己所不欲勿施于人”
C. 只有成为组织中最优秀的成员才有资格去领导别人
D. 作为一个伟大的领导首先要管理好自己
[填空题]In order to fully understand the film, you __________________________(不妨去采访导演).

A. 25
B. 27
C. 29
D. 30
[填空题]The time of day__________(当你感觉最有精力的时候) is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak.

下列哪一项如果为真,则上述广告中叙述的基本原理是潜在地误导人的( )
A. 在体育竞赛期间为使自己迅速凉快而喝太多的饮料会使运动员注意力不集中。
B. 在锻炼期间,人体失去的水的比例比电解质还要多。因此,电解质在人体内的浓度会增加。
C. 像其他软饮料一样,广告上所宣传的特别配制的运动饮料按重量计算同样包含有更大量的糖,而不是钠和钾。
D. 为发挥肌肉组织的最大功能,人的体液中保持适当浓度的电解质是必要的。
[填空题]The more you complain, ______ (就会失去越多的机会).

[单项选择]They welcomed the opportunity to participate fully__________the life of the village.
A. in
B. to
C. into
D. of

Adolescents are taking longer to become fully productive members of society, Reed Larson, professor of human development, University of Illinois, Champaign, told the World Future Society, Bethesda, Md. "What we expect of young people is (21) ," he argued. They must go to school for 12 years or longer without any (22) that their education will mean career success or relevance when they become adults. (23) , they do so without financial rewards, accept an identity (24) by society, and delay starting a family, all of (25) keeps adolescents in a kind of indeterminate state for years.
Larson says that "There should be way stations along the climb (26) adulthood that allow young people to rest, gather themselves, and consider (27) . " The success of government, business, and private life in the next 50 years (28) it.
Education, literacy, and versatile interpersonal skills (29) <
A. qualification
B. guarantee
C. probability
D. recognition

[填空题]To fully understand the concept of the "Paperless Office", one must understand what it conceptually was supposed to mean, as well as what it has evolved into as its current form. Early forms of the paperless office would have concentrated around word processing documents and the ability to create, store and manage their existence electronically. However, you were limited in scope as to what you could do to "manage" these documents. Most of the management revolved around viewing and perhaps sharing it with other users in the organization. There were no automated programs that handled workflow, scanning, tagging and management of these documents effectively. Scanners were (at a cost-effective price) too expensive for the average office to acquire based on the return on investment. At the corporate level, there was no direction as to handle workflow and to analyze where paper came from and where it had to go internally and if there was a process in place, the tools were not mature enough
[单项选择]C++ fully supports (73) programming.
A. visual
B. object-oriented
C. logic
D. natural language
A. 从不
B. 偶尔
C. 大多
D. 总是


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