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发布时间:2023-12-09 19:37:41


When students from other countries come to the United States ,they are sometimes shocked at the casualness in American college and university classes. For example, American professors do not dress up and they generally call students by their first names. Students can speak out in class, where they do not even need to raise their hands. In addition, in many schools, students can drink coffee, tea, juice, or soft drinks during classes. Foreign students can usually get used to these differences easily. However, two examples of American casualness are very difficult for some foreign students to understand. First, students sometimes call their teachers by their first names. Instead of calling a teacher Mr. Smith or Professor Adams, they call them Tom or John. In some countries, it is not possible for students to" first name" their teachers. Second, American students sometimes criticize the ideas of their teachers. They might also give their teachers suggestions about changin
A. Professor Johnson.
B. Edward.
C. Mr. Johnson.
D. Professor Edward.

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When students from other countries come to the United States ,they are sometimes shocked at the casualness in American college and university classes. For example, American professors do not dress up and they generally call students by their first names. Students can speak out in class, where they do not even need to raise their hands. In addition, in many schools, students can drink coffee, tea, juice, or soft drinks during classes. Foreign students can usually get used to these differences easily. However, two examples of American casualness are very difficult for some foreign students to understand. First, students sometimes call their teachers by their first names. Instead of calling a teacher Mr. Smith or Professor Adams, they call them Tom or John. In some countries, it is not possible for students to" first name" their teachers. Second, American students sometimes criticize the ideas of their teachers. They might also give their teachers suggestions about changin
A. They do not respect their teachers.
B. They admire their teachers very much.
C. They can openly criticize their teachers.
D. They usually do not obey their teachers.

[单项选择]When will Rudy come from Beijing
A. 8 o’clock in the evening.
B. 18 o’clock in the evening.
C. At about any hour in the evening.
[单项选择]A. To help students from the same countries overcome their homesickness and other problems.
B. To set up booths decorated with pictures and things of interest in the respective countries.
C. To recruit anyone who can sew to help make costumes so that every club member can wear their national costume.
D. To teach the American students Scottish and Irish folk dances during the special even of the display.
When did the woman come back from America
Passage One
When researchers come up with a new treatment that makes us feel or work better, it’s usually not just the truly sick who end up going in for an upgrade. The progress in developing treatments for illnesses that ravage memory and thought raises an important question: might the same tools be used to improve the functioning of minds that by most standards are already running fairly smoothly We may well be approaching an era of designer brains, in which those of us feeling a little foggy or dull can have our IQ, fast recall, and self-confidence inflated up via the prescription pad. "Some brain-related conditions we think of as ordinary, "says one researcher, "may eventually become disorders, too"—including perhaps less-than-razor-sharp thinking.
The notion of a prescription IQ lift is hardly new. According to polls, about one in 2
A. It effectively cures attention-deficit disorder and narcolepsy.
B. It should be legally obtained on prescription.
C. It helps to improve attention and memory problems.
D. It may potentially lead to addiction problems.

M: I’d like you to come every other day from 4 to 6 to fix the dinner and do the laundry as well.
W: Sure. Do I get paid on an hourly basis or a monthly basis
Q: What most probably is the woman’s occupation ()

A. A cook.
B. A waitress.
C. A washwoman.
D. A domestic helper.
[单项选择]When researchers come up with a new treatment that makes us feel or work better, it’s usually not just the truly sick who end up going in for an upgrade. The progress in developing treatments for illnesses that ravage memory and thought raises an important question: might the same tools be used to improve the functioning of minds that by most standards are already running fairly smoothly We may well be approaching an era of designer brains, in which those of us feeling a little foggy or dull can have our IQ, fast recall, and self-confidence inflated up via the prescription pad. "Some brain-related conditions we think of as ordinary, "says one researcher, "may eventually become disorders, too"—including perhaps less-than-razor-sharp thinking.
The notion of a prescription IQ lift is hardly new. According to polls, about one in 20 college students, and higher percentages of professors, already illicitly pop some form of Ritalin or Modafinil—legitimately prescribed for attention-de
A. Researchers always bring forth new and upgraded cures for illness.
B. Sick people are anxiously looking forward to new treatments.
C. Normal people tend to use the new treatment to be healthier.
D. New and upgraded treatment should make us feel or work better.
[单项选择]In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and ________ in the classroom.
A. skeptical
B. faithful
C. obedient
D. subsidiary
[单项选择]When I come across a good essay in reading newspaper, I often feel like cutting and keep it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the opposite side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to keep in good health, or advice about how to be oneself in society. If I cut tine front essay, the opposite one is bound to suffer damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject. As a result, the scissors would stay before they start, or halfway done when I find out the result that inevitably (不可避免地) causes my regret. Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both deserving your attention. You can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be given up. But you know the future unpredictable (不可预见的)--the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left behind. Thus you are caught in a fix and feel sad. Row come that nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once It may happen that your life changes
A. Cutting newspapers is a hard job.
B. When you are caught in a fix, you have met two good things.
C. There must be a way that is better than the other.
D. You should maintain a positive attitude towards your choice.


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