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发布时间:2023-12-04 21:45:24

[填空题]We can refer to Socrates and Plato who have been dead for years. This indicates a design feature of language ().

更多"We can refer to Socrates and Plato "的相关试题:

[单项选择]There must have been someone who has instigated a rebellion because the people are so well organized.
A. incited
B. tampered
C. intruded
D. meddled
[单项选择]Plato—who may have understood better what
forms the mind of man than do some of our con-
temporaries who want their children exposed only
Line to "real" people and everyday events—knew
(5) what intellectual experiences make for true
humanity. He suggested that the future citizens of
his ideal republic begin their literary education
with the telling of myths, rather than with mere
facts or so-called rational teachings. Even
(10) Aristotle, master of pure reason, said: "The friend
of wisdom is also a friend of myth."
Modem thinkers who have studied myths and
fairy tales from a philosophical or psychological
viewpoint arrive at the same conclusion, regard-
(15) less of their original persuasion. Mircea Eliade,
for one, describes these stories as "models for
human behavior [that], by that very fact, give
meaning and value
A. literary qualities
B. historical background
C. factual accuracy
D. psychological relevance
E. (E) ethical weakness
[单项选择]There have been some insensible people who attempt to end their pains through suicide. ()
A. by and large
B. once for all
C. heart and soul
D. on the whole
[单项选择]We have been told that under no circumstances we can use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.
A. did we use
B. may we use
C. we may use
D. we could use
[单项选择]Approximately 5,000 people who have been convicted of nonviolent crimes in the state have been given community-service sentences instead of prison sentences. These offenders perform services commensurate with their training and skills, from scrubbing floors to conducting research for the state. The community-service program, which began in 1979, has grown immensely as a result of drunken-driver legislation enacted a few months ago.
The introduction of the community-service program in 1979 was most probably prompted by which of the following, all of which occurred during the 1970’s
A. A decrease in the number of violent crimes in the state.
B. An increase in the number of crimes committed by employees of the state.
C. A gradual decrease in the median age of judges in the state.
D. The overcrowding of prisons in the state.
E. (E) The passage of drunken-driver legislation in other states.

America has had many presidents who have been famous all over the world. People from other countries know the names Washington, Kennedy and so on. However, many men who have served as president of the United States have not been famous in other parts of the world. One example is J. Q. Adams, the sixth man to serve as U.S. president.
Very little happened while Adams was president. It was an unhappy time for him, and he wasn’t very effective, when his term ended, he went back to the Congress and served as a representative (众议院议员). While he was in Congress, people began to respect him more than they had done while he was president. Adams was strongly against slavery and tried to outlaw it in Washington D. C. People began to look back on his presidency with a different view. Now they saw that he was an independent man with high ideal who loved his country and hated slavery. Adams died in 1848 while speaking in the House of Representative.

Which of the following can
A. Adams had ability, but he had no chance to show it.
B. As a president, Adams was unfit for his work.
C. Adams was not an effective man.
D. Adams was worth respecting.


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