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发布时间:2024-07-02 00:27:37

[单项选择]Which two countries led the boom in 2006
A. China and Japan. B. India and Japan.
B. China and India.

更多"Which two countries led the boom in"的相关试题:

[填空题]Which two countries are linked by tunnel under the English Channel
  • A. The United States and Germany.
  • B. The United Kingdom and Germany.
  • C. The United Kingdom and France.
  • D. The United States and Franc

[单项选择]Let P and Q be points which are two inches apart, and let A be the area, in square inches, of a circle which passes through P and Q. Which of the following is the set of all possible values for A
A. 0<A B. 0<A ≤π C. A=π
B. A>π E. A ≥π
[简答题]European countries are buffeted by two global forces: One is climate change. The other is demography. Both prevalent pressures silently transform societies and the assumptions of public policy. The two have a lot in common. Both are easily recognized but less easily understood. Both are products of complex forces and unobtrusive influences. Both create huge effects from minuscule changes. A rise in global temperature by one degree or a fall in fertility by one point may sound trivial but, over 100 years, will make the earth unbearably hot, or reshape the size and composition of societies. Yet though every rich country has a climate-change policy, few have a population one (there are historical reasons for that). And just as everyone whinges about the weather, but does nothing about it, so everyone in Europe complains, but does nothing, about population. Received opinion holds that "demography is destiny" and that Europe is doomed by its death-spiral population numbers. Amer
[填空题]These countries aim to exploit two contradictory facts: information can now be stored anywhere, but energy is most efficiently consumed close to the source. ______ Internet Villages International has joined up with Atlantis Resources, an engineer of ocean turbines, to develop technology that could power local data centers with energy from Scotland ’s rugged seas Another company, Lockerbie Data Centres, is planning a green home and business communitycentered on a clean -energy data facility that runs on wind farms and a biomass plant.
  • A. Thus several Scottish IT developers are now planning nearly $ 3 billion in green datacenters that tap into Scotland’s clean - electricity grid, 20 percent of which comes from renewables like wind.
  • B. Google disputes this number, but there’s little doubt the IT industry is becoming one of the biggest contributors to global warming.
  • C. Iceland, struggling to recover from the financial crisis, may he even better poised to become a gr
[单项选择]Which two words are NOT antonyms
A. Father and son.
B. Male and female.
C. Doctor and patient.
D. Wolf and fox.
[单项选择]Which two states have declared states of emergency( ).
A. Carolinas and New England.
B. Connecticut and New Jersey.
C. Vermont and New York.
D. Pennsylvania and Maine.
[单项选择]Which two parties are dominating the political scene in the U.S. now( ).
A. The Democratic Party and the National Party.
B. The Conservative party and the Liberty Party.
C. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party.
D. The Labor Party and the National Party.
[单项选择]A linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers is called( ).
A. situational dialect
B. slang
C. linguistic taboo
D. bilingualism
[填空题]Which countries has this company exported carpets to
This company has exported carpets to ______

[单项选择]Trade relationships between the two countries will improve if their()leaders could agree on the proposed quotas.
A. respectable
B. respective
C. respectful
D. respecting
[单项选择]Two conflicts convinced Western countries that they dared not reduce their forces too drastically. The first was the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. This came at the height of the happiness at the end of the Cold War and the new era of peace that was expected to follow. By January 1991 it was apparent that attempts to persuade Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to withdraw through a combination of military threats, economic pressure, and diplomatic inducements had failed. American, British, and French forces found themselves using military equipment and concepts designed to deal with the Warsaw Pact in central Europe to defeat a moderate-sized Third World country. This brought home the lesson that in a world in which total war had become too horrific to contemplate even a limited war was no small matter and would demand considerable commitment.
Even so, the Gulf War was a relatively straightforward confrontation. It was against a known enemy over a clear-cut matter of principle
[单项选择]Which two terms can best describe the following pairs of words: table—tables, day+break— daybreak.()
A. inflection and compound
B. compound and derivation
C. inflection and derivation
[单项选择]The novel is most commonly published in which two languages
A. Spanish and Chinese.
B. French and German.
C. English and German.
D. Spanish and English.


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