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发布时间:2023-11-05 06:11:01

[单项选择]The client has a newly positive Mantoux skin test although she does not have active tuberculosis. Which medical therapy would be appropriate for her()
A. Reevaluating the client’s condition every 6 months.
B. Performing a repeat skin test every 6 months.
C. Administering isoniazid for about 9 months.
D. Administering isoniazid until the skin test reverts to negative.

更多"The client has a newly positive Man"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The newly elected leader has declared his intention of cleaning()the civil administrative organs.
A. down
B. off
C. up
D. out
[单项选择]The newly elected president has pledged $ 13 million to the automobile industry for its survival.
A. prepared
B. promised
C. disposed
D. delivered
[单项选择]A client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism has been started on propylthiouracil (PTU) as drug therapy. The nurse should closely observe the client for which of the following side effects
A. Unusual bleeding or bruising.
B. Hypertension.
C. Hypokalemia.
D. Peripheral edema.
[简答题]A——severe pain B——surgeon C——skin test D——blood test E——eyesight test F——sick-leave certificate G——operation H——blood pressure I——tooth ache J——stomach ache K——heart disease L——infection M——mental disease N——nervous disease O——lung disease P——high fever Q——dentist QUESTIONS: Example: ( N ) 神经疾病 ( L )感染 51. ( )牙科医生 ( )肺病 52. ( )验血 ( )精神疾病 53. ( )病假证明 ( )高热 54. ( )血压 ( )视力检查 55. ( )胃痛 ( )手术
[单项选择]A client with peptic ulcer has been prescribed propantheline (Pro-Banthine) as part of the treatment. Which of the following side effects is associated with this medication()
A. Nausea.
B. Hypotension.
C. Urinary frequency.
D. Fatigue.
[单项选择]A client with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus is learning about diabetic foot care. Which of the following statements by the client indicates further instruction is needed()
A. "I should use lotions. "
B. "I should use antiperspirants. "
C. "I should use foot soaks. "
D. "I should use nail files. "
[单项选择]A client hospitalized with pneumonia has thick, tenacious secretions. To help liquefy these secretions, the nurse should()
A. turn the client every 2 hours.
B. elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees.
C. encourage increased fluid intake.
D. maintain a cool room temperature.
[单项选择]The result of this biochemical test has caused an uproar, and ever since its publication, researchers have been full of responses of______quality: whereas some deal with the test’s implications in a calm manner, others sound alarms.
A. choleric
B. admonitory
C. whimsical
D. homogenous
E. variable
[单项选择]A client with a seizure disorder has been prescribed phenytoin (Dilantin). Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching plan( )
A. It will be necessary for the client to take potassium supplements to prevent hypokalemia.
B. The client should use a soft toothbrush and floss teeth daily.
C. The use of phenytoin can lead to the development of diabetes.
D. It is appropriate to substitute various brands of phenytoin as long as the dosage is the same.
[单项选择]A client diagnosed with gestational diabetes has been admitted for induction of labor at 38 weeks. The client asks the nurse, "My previous labors started on their own. How will this induction of labor be different from my last labor" Upon which theory would the nurse base her response()
A. An induction causes the contractions to be more intense during the first stage of labor.
B. The risk of uterine rupture is less because the oxytocin (Pitocin) is controlled with an infusion pump.
C. The goal of induction is to produce a contractile pattern similar to that observed in spontaneous labor.
D. During an induction, fetal monitoring begins as soon as oxytocin is started, whereas in a spontaneous labor, monitoring begins when signs of distress occur.
[单项选择]A client on prolonged bed rest has developed a pressure ulcer. The wound shows no signs of healing even though the client has received skin care and has been turned every 2 hours. Which factor is most likely responsible for the failure to ()
A. Inadequate vitamin D intake.
B. Inadequate protein intake.
C. Inadequate massaging of the affected area.
D. Low calcium level.
[单项选择]A client admitted for a hysterectomy has a secondary diagnosis of Ménière s disease. Which of the following nursing interventions should the nurse include in the client’s plan of care to decrease the effects of tinnitus()
A. Reduce the amount of glucose and cholesterol in the diet.
B. Encourage the client to listen to the radio with earphones.
C. Encourage a weight-reduction diet.
D. Administer antihypertensive medications as ordered.
[单项选择]A client reports substernal chest pain. Test results show electrocardiograph changes and an elevated cardiac troponin level. Which of the following should be the focus of nursing care()
A. Improving myocardial oxygenation and reducing cardiac workload.
B. Confirming a suspected diagnosis and preventing complications.
C. Reducing anxiety and relieving pain.
D. Eliminating stressors and providing a nondemanding environment.
[填空题]As a client relationship manager, one has to always consider the needs of the customers ______(而不是自己的方便).


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