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发布时间:2023-10-25 20:48:10

[单项选择]A client on prolonged bed rest has developed a pressure ulcer. The wound shows no signs of healing even though the client has received skin care and has been turned every 2 hours. Which factor is most likely responsible for the failure to ()
A. Inadequate vitamin D intake.
B. Inadequate protein intake.
C. Inadequate massaging of the affected area.
D. Low calcium level.

更多"A client on prolonged bed rest has "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Smoking in bed has long been the main cause of home fires. Despite a significant decline in cigarette smoking in the last two decades, however, there has been no comparable decline in the number of people killed in home fires. Each one of the following statements, if true over the last two decades, helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy above EXCEPT:
A. Compared to other types of home fires, home fires caused by smoking in bed usually cause relatively little damage before they are extinguished.
B. Home fires caused by smoking in bed often break out after the home’s occupants have fallen asleep.
C. Smokers who smoke in bed tend to be heavy smokers who are less likely to quit smokers than are smokers who do not smoking in bed.
D. An increasing number of people have been killed in home fires that started in the kitchen.
E. (E) Population densities have increased, with the result that one home fire can cause more deaths than in previous decades.
[单项选择]A. Rest in bed. B. Go to a movie.
C. Work in the garden. D. Read the newspaper.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a client who is 28 weeks pregnant and has gestational diabetes how to control her blood glucose levels. Diet therapy alone has been unsuccessful in controlling her blood glucose levels, so she has started insulin therapy. The nurse should consider the teaching effective when the client says()
A. "I won’t use insulin if I’m sick. "
B. "I need to use insulin each day. "
C. "If I give myself an insulin injection, I don’t need to watch what I eat. "
D. "I’ll monitor my blood glucose levels twice a week. "
[单项选择]A client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism has been started on propylthiouracil (PTU) as drug therapy. The nurse should closely observe the client for which of the following side effects
A. Unusual bleeding or bruising.
B. Hypertension.
C. Hypokalemia.
D. Peripheral edema.
[单项选择]A client with multiple sclerosis has been prescribed baclofen. The nurse teaches the client about the action of the drug. Which of the following is an accurate instruction regarding this drug’s action()
A. "Baclofen will decrease your fatigue and help increase your energy levels. "
B. "Baclofen will help relieve the muscle spasms that you have been experiencing. "
C. "It is an antibiotic that will help treat your urinary tract infection. "
D. "Taking this drug will help decrease the visual problems you have been having. "
[单项选择]When caring for a client who has recently delivered, the nurse assesses the client for urinary retention with overflow. Which of the following provides the most accurate picture of retention with overflow()
A. Frequent trips to the bathroom with an average output of 200 to 300 mL per void.
B. Intense urge to urinate with an average output of 250 mL.
C. A varying urge to urinate with an average output of 100 mL.
D. Uterus displaced to the right with increased vaginal bleeding.
[单项选择]A client who has recently had surgery for prostate cancer expresses to the nurse feelings of anger toward God, his church, and the clergy. Which intervention isn’t appropriate for this client()
A. Acknowledging the client’s spiritual distress.
B. Inviting the client’s clergyman to visit him.
C. Encouraging the client to discuss religious beliefs and practices.
D. Encouraging the client to discuss concerns with the clergy.
[单项选择]A client who has received a new prescription for oral contraceptives asks the nurse how to take them. Which of the following would the nurse instruct the client to report to her primary caregiver()
A. Breast tenderness.
B. Breakthrough bleeding within first 3 months of use.
C. Decreased menstrual flow.
D. Blurred vision and headache.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for a comatose client who has suffered a closed head injury. What intervention should the nurse implement to prevent increases in intracranial pressure (ICP) ()
A. Suction the airway every hour and as needed.
B. Elevate the head of the bed 15 to 30 degrees.
C. Turn the client and change his position every 2 hours.
D. Maintain a well-lit room.
[单项选择]A client who has been admitted to the emergency room is restless and agitated, has dry mucous membranes, and is complaining of intense thirst. The nurse suspects which of the following electrolyte imbalances()
A. Hypokalemia.
B. Hypercalcemia.
C. Hypomagnesemia.
D. Hypernatremia.
[单项选择]Nursing measures for the client who has had an MI include helping the client to avoid activity that results in Valsalva’s maneuver. Valsalva’s maneuver may cause cardiac dysrhythmias, increased venous pressure, increased intrathoracic pressure, and thrombi dislodgment. Which of the following actions would help prevent Valsalva’s maneuver( )
A. Have the client drink fluids through a straw.
B. Have the client avoid holding her breath during activity.
C. Have the client assume a side-lying position.
D. Have the client clench her teeth while moving in bed.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a client who has been prescribed allopurinol for the treatment of gout. Which instruction would the nurse give to the client()
A. Increase alcohol intake while taking the drug.
B. Avoid foods that are rich in purine.
C. Take aspirin for pain.
D. Take the drug between meals to promote absorption.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for a client who has hemoconcentration after fluid loss. Which IV fluids would be the most appropriate fluid replacement therapy for this client()
A. Distilled water.
B. Dextrose 5% in water (D5W) only.
C. DSW with 40 mEq of potassium chloride.
D. Dextrose 10% in saline.
[单项选择]A client with peptic ulcer has been prescribed propantheline (Pro-Banthine) as part of the treatment. Which of the following side effects is associated with this medication()
A. Nausea.
B. Hypotension.
C. Urinary frequency.
D. Fatigue.
[单项选择]A client who has discovered a breast lump is tearful and expresses concern over her situation. The best way for the nurse to respond to her is by()
A. encouraging a discussion of her problems and fears.
B. asking her if she would like to talk to the chaplain.
C. giving her reassurance.
D. recommending a support group.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for a client who has generalized anxiety disorder. Which statement is true about this client( )
A. The client has regular obsessions.
B. Relaxation techniques and psychotherapy are necessary for cure.
C. Nightmares and flashbacks are common in individuals who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder.
D. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by anxiety that lasts longer than 6 months.
[单项选择]A hospitalized client who has a living will is being fed through a nasogastric (NG) tube. During a bolus feeding, the client vomits and begins choking. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for the nurse to take()
A. Clear the client’s airway.
B. Make the client comfortable.
C. Start eardiopulmonary resuscitation.
D. Stop the feeding and remove the NG tube.
[单项选择]A client who has cervical cancer is scheduled to undergo internal radiation. In teaching the client about the procedure, the nurse would be most accurate in telling the client()
A. she’ll be in a private room with unrestricted activities.
B. a bowel-cleansing procedure will precede radioactive implantation.
C. she’ll be expected to use a bedpan for urination.
D. the preferred positioning in bed will be semi-Fowler’s.
[单项选择]A client hospitalized with pneumonia has thick, tenacious secretions. To help liquefy these secretions, the nurse should()
A. turn the client every 2 hours.
B. elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees.
C. encourage increased fluid intake.
D. maintain a cool room temperature.


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