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发布时间:2024-07-10 22:17:55

[填空题]Christine: How is your job Susan: Oh, it’s OK. It’s boring. I work at the computer all day long, ______.

更多"Christine: How is your job Susan:"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—How are you geeing on with your work
—Oh,I’m sorry.Things aren’t going so well as ().
A. plans
B. planning
C. planned
D. to plan
Hate Your Job Here’s How to Reshape It

Once upon a time, if you hated your job, you either quit or bit your lip. These days, a group of researchers is trumpeting a third option: shape your job so it’s more fruitful than futile.
"We often get trapped into thinking about our job as a list of things to do and a list of responsibilities," says Amy Wrzesniewski, an associate professor at the Yale School of Management. "But what if you set aside that mind-set " If you could adjust what you do, she says, "who would you start talking to, what other tasks would you take on, and who would you work with "
To make livelihoods more lively, Wrzesniewski and her colleagues Jane Dutton and Justin Berg have developed a methodology they call job-crafting. They’re working with Fortune 500 companies, smaller firms and business schools to change the way Americans think about work. The idea is to make all jobs—even mundane (平凡的) ones—more me
A. To get stuck in ruts.
B. To pay attention to the emotions.
C. To rethink and make small changes.
D. To take the most constraining jobs.

M: How is your job doing, Jane
W: Great! I’m enjoying it a lot. The restaurant is really busy, and the tips are pretty good.
M: I should come and have dinner sometime.
W: Yes, why don’t you I will always welcome an old classmate. You will enjoy our food. I think it’s best.
M: OK! I will go tomorrow.

Where does Jane work()
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a firm.
C. In a shop.
How to Survive a Layoff

You’ve lost your job, but it’s not the end of your career. Get the help you need to set you back on track with advice from the experts.
Don’t Panic!
After a job loss, it may seem like your world is crashing in all at once. Stay calm and resist the urge to make any sudden moves — like sending a harshly critical e-mail or making a scene on your way out — that could hurt you in the long run.
"It’s completely normal to feel panic after a job loss," says Lynn Joseph, Ph.D., psychologist and author of "’The Job-Loss Recovery Guide".
Your self-esteem can also take a hit, especially if you think you’ve been singled out. "Logically and intellectually we know that (we may have been part of a mass layoff), but emotionally we take it personally," Joseph says.
With so many emotions at play, the key is to think before you act. Remember, your goal is to leave your job gracefully and w
A. To analyze the current situation in the job market.
B. To give suggestions to those laid off in the crisis.
C. To give tips on job landing in the economic decline.
D. To offer advice on how to avoid being laid off.

W: How do you like your job, Jim
M: Fine. This week I have been reading the financial reports and studying the books. Next week I will probably start to handle some of the accounts.

What does the man do for a living ()
A. He is a reporter.
B. He is a librarian.
C. He is a teacher.
D. He is an accountant.


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