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发布时间:2024-07-07 07:12:26


An important consequence arises because the social security program is purely pay-as-you-go financed, () most pension plans, at least in the private sector, are fully funded. Thus, greater contracting-out implies greater prefunding of pension commitments.

A. whereas
B. because
C. so that
D. therefore

更多"An important consequence arises bec"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication ________.
A. tragedy
B. vacuum
C. question
D. barrier
[填空题]Exposure to all media is important because they all contribute materials for ______.

The "felt image" is much more important because it helps you to be more confident.
[单项选择]Why are young persons’ ideas important Because ______. [A] they are college students [B] they have strong opinions about right and wrong [C] many of them will soon be in charge of the country
[填空题]______is very important because urban development is forcing farmers off many lowland areas.

[单项选择]A scope statement is important because it ______ .
A. provides the basis for making future project decisions
B. provides a brief summary of the project
C. approves the project for the stakeholders
D. provides criteria for measuring project cost

One of the most important social developments that helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the r01e of public education was the effect of the baby boom of the 1950s and 1960s on the schools. In the 1920s, but especially in the Depression conditions of the 1930s, the United States experienced a declining birth rate—every thousand women aged fifteen to forty-four gave birth to about 118 live children in 1920, 89.2 in 1930, 75.8 in 1936, and 80 in 1940. With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it, young people married and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946, 106.2 in 1950, and 118 in 1955. Although economics was probably the most important determinant, it is not the only explanation for the baby boom. The increased value placed on the idea of the family also helps to explain this rise i
A. Economy
B. Public education
C. Family
D. Earlier marriage

[单项选择]According to the author, the most important social factor in purchasing process is
A. reference groups.
B. social classes.
C. culture.
[填空题]An important social use of language is the inter-personal function, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.()
[填空题]Advertising is important to companies because no company can make a (1) on any product unless it advertises it first in the (2) . There are three categories of media: print, broadcast and (3) . The print media consist of newspapers and (4) . Newspapers ads can reach large numbers of people, but they are not very (5) or glamorous. Magazine advertisement allows a business to direct its ads to the people who are most (6) in the product, but it can be very expensive. The broadcast media include (7) and television. Of all the media, television is the most dramatic, so television ads easy to (8) .
What’s more, almost everybody watches TV, and most TV programs are broadcast (9) . TV ads are viewed by millions of people all over the country. TV advertisement is enormously (10) .
The most common direct medium is the (11) . The advantage is that the ad goes directly i


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