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发布时间:2023-10-31 23:33:08

[单项选择]When Katherine Goldstein was (47) up in the suburbs of Washington, D. C. , her mom, an artist, was usually home waiting for her after school. Goldstein, now twenty six, is (48) that her mother was around. But she plans to do things (49) . A recent graduate of Harvard Law School, Goldstein works as a clerk for a circuit court judge in Cleveland and is engaged to be married in October. "I (50) having a full-time job and children as an eventuality and a (51) ," she says. Already she is (52) what it will take to combine a law career with raising a family. Her (53) : tackle the more (54) facets of her profession--like trial law--now, before she starts having kids. That way, "I can transition to a more family-friendly role when I have children," she explains. She has been deeply (55) by one of her "mentors," a law partner in her mid 30s who recently gave birth to her first child. "She told me that when she dies, she just wants to say that she was a good wi

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[单项选择]When Katherine Goldstein was (47) up in the suburbs of Washington, D. C. , her mom, an artist, was usually home waiting for her after school. Goldstein, now twenty six, is (48) that her mother was around. But she plans to do things (49) . A recent graduate of Harvard Law School, Goldstein works as a clerk for a circuit court judge in Cleveland and is engaged to be married in October. "I (50) having a full-time job and children as an eventuality and a (51) ," she says. Already she is (52) what it will take to combine a law career with raising a family. Her (53) : tackle the more (54) facets of her profession--like trial law--now, before she starts having kids. That way, "I can transition to a more family-friendly role when I have children," she explains. She has been deeply (55) by one of her "mentors," a law partner in her mid 30s who recently gave birth to her first child. "She told me that when she dies, she just wants to say that she was a good wi
Knowing Your Strengths

Third.when offering up positive feed back,don’t expect people will immediately take it in.
Passage One
When researchers come up with a new treatment that makes us feel or work better, it’s usually not just the truly sick who end up going in for an upgrade. The progress in developing treatments for illnesses that ravage memory and thought raises an important question: might the same tools be used to improve the functioning of minds that by most standards are already running fairly smoothly We may well be approaching an era of designer brains, in which those of us feeling a little foggy or dull can have our IQ, fast recall, and self-confidence inflated up via the prescription pad. "Some brain-related conditions we think of as ordinary, "says one researcher, "may eventually become disorders, too"—including perhaps less-than-razor-sharp thinking.
The notion of a prescription IQ lift is hardly new. According to polls, about one in 2
A. It effectively cures attention-deficit disorder and narcolepsy.
B. It should be legally obtained on prescription.
C. It helps to improve attention and memory problems.
D. It may potentially lead to addiction problems.
[单项选择]When did the man get up today
A. He got up after 6:30.
B. He got up at 6:30.
C. He got up before 6:30.
[单项选择]When caring for children who are sick, who have sustained traumas, or who are suffering from nutritional inadequacies, the nurse should know the correct hemoglobin (Hb) values
for children. Which of the following ranges would be inaccurate()
A. Neonates. 10.6 to 16.5.
B. 3 months. 10.6 to 16.5.
C. 3 years. 9.4 to 15.5.
D. 10 years. 10.7 to 15.5.
[单项选择]When researchers come up with a new treatment that makes us feel or work better, it’s usually not just the truly sick who end up going in for an upgrade. The progress in developing treatments for illnesses that ravage memory and thought raises an important question: might the same tools be used to improve the functioning of minds that by most standards are already running fairly smoothly We may well be approaching an era of designer brains, in which those of us feeling a little foggy or dull can have our IQ, fast recall, and self-confidence inflated up via the prescription pad. "Some brain-related conditions we think of as ordinary, "says one researcher, "may eventually become disorders, too"—including perhaps less-than-razor-sharp thinking.
The notion of a prescription IQ lift is hardly new. According to polls, about one in 20 college students, and higher percentages of professors, already illicitly pop some form of Ritalin or Modafinil—legitimately prescribed for attention-de
A. Brain disease and its treatment
B. scientific insight into brain disease and wrong ideas about medicine
C. how to make people be smarter
D. the scientific breakthrough in brain damage treatment


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