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发布时间:2024-07-11 02:04:16

[填空题]Giant Pandas like to live together in all seasons.

更多"Giant Pandas like to live together "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What was the weather like half all hour ago
A. It was raining.
B. It was wet.
C. It was cloudy.
[单项选择]Bees are insects. They live all over the world except where it is very cold . Bees do not like ice and snow. They are the only insects that make food that you and I can eat. We eat their honey and also use their wax for making things.
Bees live in a hive. They live in hundreds of little rooms made of wax. It is in these rooms that the queen bee lays her eggs. As each egg hatches out it becomes a larva. This larva lives in a room and is fed by other bees. Every bee does a job without being told. Some make wax, others fan the hive to keep it cool. Then there are the bees that fetch nectar from the flowers. The nectar is turned into honey inside the bee that puts it into room as food for the larva or gives it to another bee. The queen bee is larger than the other bees. There is only one queen in a hive. If other queens are born, they are killed. While she keeps laying eggs, she is looked after by the worker bees.
Bees are insects, which you can find all over the world.
A. Right
[填空题]Young couples like to live separately from their parents but would like to have their parents within distance to take care of them, especially their child.

[单项选择]Text 4
Like all quintessentially British things, gardening is a pastime that has long been in decline. From a high point of £5 billion in 2001, spending on plants, tools and garden furniture has fallen every year since then, to around ~3 billion in 2008.The arrival of economic recession only deepened the gloom: to credit-crunched consumers, shrubs and hanging baskets seemed obvious candidates for cuts.
Yet the latest figures from the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) suggest a bumper year for garden-related expenditure is in the making. Sales volumes were up by 21% in March and 28% in April compared with the same months a year earlier. This was not the result of deep discounting, a strategy that many other retailers have been adopting. The value of garden goods sold was 37% higher in March and 42% higher in April than a year earlier,
A. Garden-related expenditure this year is more or less the same as that of last year.
B. Many retailers are offering deep discounts.
C. Prices of garden goods tend to remain stable in recent years.
D. Due to the status quo of economy, garden goods are not promised a bright future.
[单项选择] Though the city is noisy, most people like to live in it. There are really many things to see and enjoy in a city. The streets in a city are full of people and vehicles (交通工具). Cars, buses and other vehicles can be seen running up and down the streets all day. All these make the city very noisy and busy. Sometimes there are all kinds of accidents (事故). In a city, there are also many schools and hospitals. So the people here find it very easy to send their children to school and to visit the hospital quickly when it is necessary. At night the city is full of colorful lights. They make the city even more beautiful. People go to some parts of the city at night, especially (尤其) where the cinemas and restaurants are. Many people also go to night schools for further study. Today there are night schools in almost every city. And many new schools are being built now. For all these reasons, living in a city could be very happy and interestin
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say

Like all quintessentially British things, gardening is a pastime that has long been in decline. From a high point of £5 billion in 2001, spending on plants, tools and garden furniture has fallen every year since then, to around ~3 billion in 2008.The arrival of economic recession only deepened the gloom: to credit-crunched consumers, shrubs and hanging baskets seemed obvious candidates for cuts.
Yet the latest figures from the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) suggest a bumper year for garden-related expenditure is in the making. Sales volumes were up by 21% in March and 28% in April compared with the same months a year earlier. This was not the result of deep discounting, a strategy that many other retailers have been adopting. The value of garden goods sold was 37% higher in March and 42% higher in April than a year earlier, whereas the value of all sales had increased by just 3% in April. Datamonitor, a market-research firm, reckons that gardening will continue to
A. Professional gardeners
B. People with green fingers
C. Amateur gardeners
D. Foreign gardeners


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