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发布时间:2024-07-09 00:50:00

[单项选择]Passage 4
The texture of the soil depends on the relative amounts of different-sized particles that combine to make up the soil. These particles can be as large as stone and gravel or as small as clay.
A typical clay soil is composed of approximately 60 percent actual clay, 20 percent silt, and 20 percent sand. The particles in a sandy soil are so fine that it tends to be compact and interferes with the oxygen supply for plant roots. Water has trouble entering this impervious soil, and runoff is very common during rainfalls.
A typical light sandy soil is composed of approximately 70 percent sand, 20 percent silt, and 10 percent clay. The particles in a sandy soil are comparatively large, permitting water to enter the soil and to pass through it so quickly that it often carries nutrients with it and dries out very rapidly. The texture of
A. It sinks in slowly, days later the soil is still saturted.
B. It sinks in quickly, a few hours later the soil is almost dry.
C. It runs off the surface and does not enter the soil.
D. It cracks the surface of the soil.

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[单项选择]Passage 4
The texture of the soil depends on the relative amounts of different-sized particles that combine to make up the soil. These particles can be as large as stone and gravel or as small as clay.
A typical clay soil is composed of approximately 60 percent actual clay, 20 percent silt, and 20 percent sand. The particles in a sandy soil are so fine that it tends to be compact and interferes with the oxygen supply for plant roots. Water has trouble entering this impervious soil, and runoff is very common during rainfalls.
A typical light sandy soil is composed of approximately 70 percent sand, 20 percent silt, and 10 percent clay. The particles in a sandy soil are comparatively large, permitting water to enter the soil and to pass through it so quickly that it often carries nutrients with it and dries out very rapidly. The texture of
A. To tell gardeners how to modify their soil.
B. To classify soil types on the basis of their composition.
C. To illustrate the effects of soil type on plant growth.
D. To show how water is absorbed by different soil.
[单项选择]The texture of the soil depends on the relative amounts of different-sized particles that combine to make up the soil. These particles can be as large as stone and gravel or as small as clay.
A typical clay soil is composed of approximately 60 percent actual clay, 20 percent silt, and 20 percent sand. The particles in a sandy soil are so fine that it tends to be compact and interferes with the oxygen supply for plant roots. Water has trouble entering this impervious soil, and runoff is very common during rainfalls.
A typical light sandy soil is composed of approximately 70 percent sand, 20 percent silt, and 10 percent clay. The particles in a sandy soil are comparatively large, permitting water to enter the soil and to pass through it so quickly that it often carries nutrients with it and dries out very rapidly. The texture of sandy soils is generally very difficult to modify because huge amounts of organic material must be added.
A typical loam soil is composed of appro
A. To tell gardeners how to modify their soil.
B. To classify soil types on the basis of their composition.
C. To illustrate the effects of soil type on plant growth.
D. To show how water is absorbed by different soil.
[单项选择]According to the passage, virgin-soil epidemics can be distinguished from other catastrophic out- breaks of diseases in that virgin-soil epidemics______.
[A] recur more frequently than chronic diseases
[C] usually involve a number of interacting diseases
[B] involve populations with no prior exposure to a disease
[D] are less responsive to medical treatment than are other diseases

A. According to the passage, virgin-soil epidemics can be distinguished from other catastrophic out- breaks of diseases in that virgin-soil epidemics______.
B. recur more frequently than chronic diseases
C. involve populations with no prior exposure to a disease
D. usually involve a number of interacting diseases
E. are less responsive to medical treatment than are other diseases
[简答题]Passage Two

A. A.a national electronic-money system
B.a bank-card system
C.lowered income - tax rates
D.fund - transfer technology


Passage 2


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