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发布时间:2023-12-18 05:11:36


King Richard III was a monster. He poisoned his wife, stole the throne from his two young nephews and ordered them to be smothered in the Tower of London. Richard was a sort of Antichrist the King --"that bottled spider, that poisonous bunchbacked toad."
Anyway, that was Shakespeare’s version. Shakespeare did what the playwright does: he turned history into a vivid, articulate, organized dream-repeatable nightly. He put the crouchback onstage, and sold tickets.
And who would say that the real Richard known to family and friends was not identical to Shakespeare’s memorably loathsome creation The actual Richard went dimming into the past and vanished. When all the eye-witnesses are gone, the artist’s imagination begins to twist.
Variations on the King Richard Effect are at work in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Richard III was art, but it was propaganda too. Shakespeare took the details of his plot from Tudor historians who wanted to b
A. his powerful imaginations.
B. artists’ distortion of history.
C. his well-established fame.
D. historians’ interest in art.

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King Richard III was a monster. He poisoned his wife, stole the throne from his two young nephews and ordered them to be smothered in the Tower of London. Richard was a sort of Antichrist the King --"that bottled spider, that poisonous bunchbacked toad."
Anyway, that was Shakespeare’s version. Shakespeare did what the playwright does: he turned history into a vivid, articulate, organized dream-repeatable nightly. He put the crouchback onstage, and sold tickets.
And who would say that the real Richard known to family and friends was not identical to Shakespeare’s memorably loathsome creation The actual Richard went dimming into the past and vanished. When all the eye-witnesses are gone, the artist’s imagination begins to twist.
Variations on the King Richard Effect are at work in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Richard III was art, but it was propaganda too. Shakespeare took the details of his plot from Tudor historians who wanted to b
A. Bewildering.
B. Superficial.
C. Contradictory.
D. Intricate.

[单项选择]A. He will take biology next semester. B. He will take science next semester.
C. He won’t take biology. D. He won’t take science next semester.
[填空题]Edmond Halley stood against Newton in his clash with Flamsteed.

[单项选择]He will pass two milestones ______, that is, he will receive his master’s degree and find a challenging job.
A. long ago
B. for long
C. before long
D. long before
[填空题]Dr. King encouraged his people to love also their enemies.
[填空题]The king wanted his new clothes()(make) at once.

[单项选择]A. The King and his soldiers came to help.
B. All the wooden houses in the city were burned out.
C. People managed to get enough water from the river.
D. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down.
[填空题]When he left his parents he promised them that he would ______ (尽量多写家信).
[单项选择]When he lost his jobs he tried to()his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[填空题]How did he spend his spare time He spent all his spare time ______.


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