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发布时间:2024-08-02 00:43:36

[填空题]The Royal Society consisted mostly of Newton’s friends.

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[填空题]Newton took his revenge on Flamsteed by canceling all reference to him in later edition of Principia.


Most scholars agree that Isaac Newton, while formulating the laws of force and gravity and inventing the calculus in the late 1600s, probably knew all the science there was to know at the time. In the ensuing 350 years an estimated 50 million research papers and innumerable books have been published in the natural sciences and mathematics. The modern high school student probably now possesses more scientific knowledge than Newton did, yet science to many people seems to be an impenetrable mountain of facts.
One way scientists have tried to cope with this mountain is by becoming more and more specialized. Another strategy for coping with the mountain of information is to largely ignore it. That shouldn’t come as a surprise. Sure, you have to know a lot to he a scientist, but knowing a lot is not what makes a scientist. What makes a scientist is ignorance. This may sound ridiculous, but for scientists the facts are just a starting place. In science, every new discover
A. Newton was the only person who knew all the science in the 1600s
B. Newton’s laws of force and gravity dominated science for 350 years
C. Since Newton’s time, science has developed into a mountain of facts
D. A high school student probably knows more science than Newton did

[填空题]Isaac Newton had a deep hatred for Leibniz.

[填空题]Newton was the first scientist ever to be knighted.

[填空题]Edmond Halley stood against Newton in his clash with Flamsteed.

[填空题]Newton was ever involved in heated clashes with other academies.

[单项选择]Why does the speaker tell the story about Newton
A. To illustrate what a great scientist he was.
B. To explain why lab equipment must be cleaned carefully.
C. To emphasize the need for proper precautions.
D. To show how theoretical chemistry has advanced.
[填空题]In addition to his theory of colour, Newton developed a theory of how light travels. This is known as the corpuscular (微粒子的) theory of light, meaning that light travels as a series of tiny bits rather than of continuing waves. Newton sent his writings about light to the Royal society, where they were given to a committee led by Hooke. Since the corpuscular theory was different from his own theory, Hooke attacked the paper. Soon other started to argue, and Hooke was supported by a scientist from Holland, Christian Huygens. At one time, Newton was so unhappy with the whole affair that he decided never again to publish any of his work.
The bitter argument continued over the years that followed. At first, Hooke and Huygens received most of the support. Later Newton had changed his mind and let his work on gravity be published, he became so famous that things changed. Now people believed Newton could do nothing, wrong, and for a hundred years they followed his theory. Then, in the ea
[填空题]Newton had been active in anti-Catholic policies at Cambridge.

[填空题]Accoding to the passage, Newton seemed to be puzzled about______.
[填空题]Why does the author say Newton had unique sense of humour


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