发布时间:2024-09-05 18:25:28

[填空题]怙恶不quān( )

更多"怙恶不quān( )"的相关试题:

A. 没有一个生命可以无辜受到伤害,哪怕你高举再正义的旗帜。
B. 某纳粹军官在集中营毒杀了数百名犹太人,他是在执行上级命令,军令如山……
C. 文革时期,读大学的黄晓萌批斗他们的大学教授,殴打其中一位致残。那时候整个中国都很疯狂,他只是被裹挟到这种疯狂中,再说他当时太年轻……
D. 陈水总制造厦门公交车纵火案,虽理无可恕,但情有可原:他是社会的弱者,受到过很多不公正的对待……
[填空题]qu’il fasse ( )
[填空题]qu’il veuille ( )
Linear Inequalities with One Variable
These questions will test your knowledge of operations involving linear inequalities with one variable.
Answer the following questions.
For-5-≤x<15, x=______

[填空题]qu’il t nt ( )
[简答题]Practise discussing this task and answering the questions that follow.
Promotional video

The company you work for has decided to produce a promotional video about the company and its activities.
You have been asked to make suggestions about the video. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
· which aspects of the company should be shown in the film
· which members of staff should appear in the film.
Follow-up questions:
· Have you seen examples of effective promotional videos
· What are the advantages to a company of having a promotional video
· What other forms of promotion are effective
· Might there be some forms of promotion which would not be effective
· Do you think technology is changing the ways companies promote themselves

You are to write in three parts:
In the first part, state the main differences between these two kinds of education.
In the second part, provide one or two reasons to illustrate your idea.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[单项选择]唐朝“十恶”罪中,构成恶逆罪的是( )。
A. 咒骂父母的犯罪
B. 奸父亲妾的犯罪
C. 殴打父母的犯罪
D. 告发父母的犯罪
[多项选择]In modern society, communication with others is quite necessary, but some people pay no attention to he techniques in coping with personal relations. And the following suggestions will help them do better:   (1)Honesty is the best policy.   (2)Take an optimistic attitude to life.   (3)Being broad-minded is essential. In your essay, you should use the three pieces of information mentioned above you should write 160-200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Passage One

Shoppers choose hybrid cars, "green" washing-up liquid and energy-saving devices over cheaper but dirtier alternatives partly to improve their social status, according to a new study published today.
Bram Van den Bergh of Rotterdam School of Management, one of the study’s authors, said: "Driving a luxurious non-green car, like a Hummer, communicates one’s wealth, but also suggests that the buyer is a selfish and uncaring individual who is concerned primarily about his own comfort rather than the welfare of society. Driving a hybrid, like a Prius, not only displays one’s wealth as it costs many thousands of dollars more than a conventional but highly fuel-efficient car, but also signals the owner cares about others and the environment."
Adam Corner, a research associate at Cardiff University and expert on the psychology of communicating climate change, said soci
A. People behave largely in order to enhance their public image.
B. Voting is an efficient way to change people’s social status.
C. Conspicuous consumption is unsurprisingly pursued and done.
D. Environmental participation can be promoted in a critical way.


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