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发布时间:2024-03-20 18:34:35

[填空题]•Sales Information For more Sales information, visit the Panasonic web site or{{U}} (59) {{/U}}near you.

更多"•Sales Information For more "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What should the listeners do to get more information
A. Visit the institute
B. Call a toll-free number
C. Attend an informational meeting
D. Visit a Web site
Marketing Information

Sales and marketing messages are illegal if they falsely advertise prices, performance capability, quality, or other product characteristics, or
(34) the buyer in what any way. A Western Canadian electronics firm was convicted
(35) recently of bait-and-switch selling ( selling products with deceptive advertising).
(36) This practice occurs when a company advertises at a very low price on a
(37) product, but the customer has great many difficulty getting the special price.
(38) Rather that, the company attempts to sell the customer a similar but
(39) higher-priced product or offers a rain check that it will not be honored. This
(40) tactic for attracting customers is a form of deceptive marketing. Furthermore,
(41) sellers of services must also be cautious about how the lan
[简答题]Information technology will become more and more important for hospitals to ______.
[填空题]To increase our sales and make more money, we must (strength) ______ the management.
[单项选择]The sales manager of the company suggested more money is to spent in a more effective advertising campaign and better packaging design.()
A. is spending on
B. will be spent in
C. will be spent on
D. be spent on
[单项选择]It is a market which sales value might be more than 10 billion yuan.( )
A. a market with a sales value that might be
B. a market which might be sales value
C. a market with sale value might be
D. market with sales might be a value
A Brief Introduction to CNNIC

General Information:
China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the state network information center of China, was founded as a non-profit organization on June 3rd 1997.
CNNIC takes orders from the Ministry of Information Industry to conduct daily business, while it was administratively operated by Chinese Academy of Sciences(中科院). CNNIC Steering Committee, a working group composed of well-known experts and commercial-representatives in domestic Internet community supervises and evaluates the structure, operation and administration of CNNIC.
Part of its Main Business:
1. Technical Researches on Internet Addressing
For the sake of keeping pace with the global development of the Internet addressing, CNNIC carries out relevant technical researches and takes on technical projects of the state based on its administrative and working exp


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