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发布时间:2023-11-16 23:11:51

[单项选择]According to some scientists, human beings do possess some super-natural power.
A. numerous
B. numinous
C. luciferous
D. ludicrous

更多"According to some scientists, human"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the observations of some scientists, we will be short of energy in the near future.()
A. 据一些科学家的观察,将来我们很快会面临能源危机。
B. 据一些科学家的观察,在不久的将来我们很快会面临能源危机。
C. 据一些科学家的调查,将来我们很快会面临能源短缺。
D. 一些科学家的观察报告,不久我们会面临能源危机。
[单项选择]According to the observation of some scientists, we will be short of energy in the near future.()
A. 按照科学家的观察, 在将来我们将缺少能源。
B. 据科学家观察, 不久的将来我们面临能源危机。
C. 按照一些科学家的说法, 我们在将来会面临能源短缺。
D. 据科学家观察, 人的寿命会因能源问题而变短。
[填空题]According to some scientists,______is the single greatest cause of the fresh water shortage in the world.

[填空题]According to the passage, what do the human beings depend on to structure the world in important ways

[单项选择]Do you know that all human beings have a "comfortable zone" regulating the distance they stand from someone when they talk This distance varies in interesting ways among people of different cultures.
Greeks, others of the Eastern Mediterranean, and many of those from South America normally stand close together when they talk, often moving their faces even closer as they warm up in a conversation. North Americans find this awkward and often back away a few inches. Studies have found that they tend to feel most comfortable at about 21 inches apart. In much of Asia and Africa, there is even more space between two speakers in conversation. This greater space subtly lends an air of dignity and respect. This matter of space is nearly always unconscious, but it is interesting to observe.
This difference applies also to the closeness with which people sit together, the extent which they lean over one another in conversation, how they move as they argue, or make an emphatic point. In
A. are similar to South Americans
B. stand farthest apart
C. feel ill at ease when too close
D. move nearer during conversations
[单项选择]Text 2
Most human beings actually decide before they think. When any human being—executive, specialized expert, or person in the street—encounters a complex issue and forms an opinion, often within a matter of seconds, how thoroughly has he or she explored the implications of the various courses of action Answer: not very thoroughly. Very few people, no matter how intelligent or experienced, can take inventory of the many branching possibilities, possible outcomes, side effects, and undesired consequences of a policy or a course of action in a matter of seconds. Yet, those who pride themselves on being decisive often try to do just that. And once their brains lock onto an opinion, most of their thinking thereafter consists of finding support for it.
A very serious side effect of argumentative decision making can be a lack of support for th
A. executive, specialized expert, are no more clever than person in the street
B. very few people decide before they think
C. those who pride themselves on being decisive often fail to do so
D. people tend to consider carefully before making decisions
[填空题]Krashen believes that human beings acquire language in only one way—by receiving "______ input".
[单项选择]The human beings have polluted the environment seriously. It is time the United Nations must take some measures.
A. take
B. taking
C. to take
D. took
[填空题]Psychologists believe that human beings can only use 10percent of their inborn ability to remember.


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