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发布时间:2024-02-08 18:35:00

[填空题]According to some scientists,______is the single greatest cause of the fresh water shortage in the world.

更多"According to some scientists,______"的相关试题:

[填空题]According to some scientists,______is the single greatest cause of the fresh water shortage in the world.
[单项选择]According to some scientists, Hemps are preferable to trees chiefly because
A. they are more easily cultivated.
B. they have been cultivated by many cultures for a long time.
C. they can produce more paper than trees.
D. they can provide more endurable fibers than trees.
[单项选择]According to some scientists, human beings do possess some super-natural power.
A. numerous
B. numinous
C. luciferous
D. ludicrous
[单项选择]According to the observations of some scientists, we will be short of energy in the near future.()
A. 据一些科学家的观察,将来我们很快会面临能源危机。
B. 据一些科学家的观察,在不久的将来我们很快会面临能源危机。
C. 据一些科学家的调查,将来我们很快会面临能源短缺。
D. 一些科学家的观察报告,不久我们会面临能源危机。
[单项选择]According to the observation of some scientists, we will be short of energy in the near future.()
A. 按照科学家的观察, 在将来我们将缺少能源。
B. 据科学家观察, 不久的将来我们面临能源危机。
C. 按照一些科学家的说法, 我们在将来会面临能源短缺。
D. 据科学家观察, 人的寿命会因能源问题而变短。
[填空题]According to some functional linguists, some utterance has no meaning at all if it is out of the context of ______.
[填空题]According to some experts, comprehension of another person’s speech involves more than the actual words. In fact, the actual words contribute only 7% to 10% to our understanding of the message. Nonverbal communication, or body language contributes almost 70% to our comprehension. It is a very (47) means of communication. It communicates much more than spoken words.
One example of nonverbal communication is what (48) between parents and child. Parents smile at their child. They communicate love, acceptance, and comfort. The child feels comfortable and safe. The smile indicates (49) . The child is happy and well-adjusted.
Another example of nonverbal communication is the (50) a person shows in public. A woman is walking alone on an (51) and possibly dangerous street. She wants to appear (52) . She walks quickly. She may be tired. She walks with her shoulders straight and her head held high. Her eyes are (5
[填空题]According to some scientific research, smoking will (short) _____ a person’s life greatly.


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