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发布时间:2023-11-19 20:40:48

[单项选择]His father mentioned (to me) that Robert (had written to) (him) requesting money (for buying) a new ear.( )
A. to me
B. had written to
C. him
D. for buying

更多"His father mentioned (to me) that R"的相关试题:

Robert Beckett, who broke his leg and had to have it set at the local hospital, was given something to put him to sleep while this rather painful process was going on. All he remembered afterward was that a white-coated man made a prick in his arm—the body hardly felt it—and then sat down beside him and asked him to count slowly to ten. (46) (47) While Robert was couting, the anaesthetist was pressing the plunger of the syringe and injecting into his arm a small amount of liquid that looked like water. The liquid was not water, but a solution containing a drug that was powerful enough to put Robert to sleep and keep him there while his leg was being set. The same drug would not have been powerful enough to keep Robert unconscious had he required serious surgery. For operations where the patient must remain unconscious for an hour or more, the anaesthetist must administer the right amount of anesthetic continuously. (48)
[单项选择]His strange behavior had greatly()me and my friends as well that evening.
A. perplexed
B. exhausted
C. exclaimed
D. exceeded
[单项选择]His strange behavior had greatly ______ me and my friends as well that evening.
A. perplexed
B. exhausted
C. exclaimed
D. exceeded
[单项选择]A. His poems are heavily influenced by French writers.
B. His stories are mainly set in the State of Virginia.
C. His work is difficult to read.
D. His language is not refined.
[单项选择]His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ______ from home and earn some money on his own.
A. run away
B. take away
C. keep away
D. get away
[单项选择]He didn’t tell me where he had spent his holidays. () to know.
A. Neither I cared 
B. Not did I care 
C. I didn’t care 
D. Neither did I care
[填空题]Through Berners-Lee’s invention, all his family members and colleagues have become rich.
[填空题]His friend had just had a baby boy, who was______ them______ at night.
[单项选择]You had me at "Hello"! It turns out our opening words make people take less than a second to form an impression of someone’s personality based on their voice alone.
We know that our voices can transmit subtle signals about our gender, age, even body strength and certain personality traits, but Phil McAleer at the University of Glasgow and his colleagues wondered whether we make an instant impression. To find out, they recorded 64 people as they read a passage. They then extracted the word "hello" and asked 320 people to rate the voices on a scale of 1 to 9 for one of 10 perceived personality traits—including trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness.
Although it’s not clear how accurate such snap judgments are, what is apparent is that we all make them, and very quickly. "We were surprised by just how similar people’s ratings were," says McAleer. Using a scale in which 0 represents no agreement on a perceived trait and 1 reflects complete agreement, all 10 traits scored o
A. When I say "hello", you will get my greeting.
B. When I say "hello", you will give me a response.
C. When I say "hello", you will form an impression of my voice.
D. When I say "hello", you will realize my personality in a second.
[填空题]It was the ______that his friend had left in his truck that led the author to change his idea and to go to the hospital immediately.


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