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发布时间:2023-12-07 19:02:06

[单项选择]You had me at "Hello"! It turns out our opening words make people take less than a second to form an impression of someone’s personality based on their voice alone.
We know that our voices can transmit subtle signals about our gender, age, even body strength and certain personality traits, but Phil McAleer at the University of Glasgow and his colleagues wondered whether we make an instant impression. To find out, they recorded 64 people as they read a passage. They then extracted the word "hello" and asked 320 people to rate the voices on a scale of 1 to 9 for one of 10 perceived personality traits—including trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness.
Although it’s not clear how accurate such snap judgments are, what is apparent is that we all make them, and very quickly. "We were surprised by just how similar people’s ratings were," says McAleer. Using a scale in which 0 represents no agreement on a perceived trait and 1 reflects complete agreement, all 10 traits scored o
A. When I say "hello", you will get my greeting.
B. When I say "hello", you will give me a response.
C. When I say "hello", you will form an impression of my voice.
D. When I say "hello", you will realize my personality in a second.

更多"You had me at 'Hello'! It turns out"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You had me at "Hello"! It turns out our opening words make people take less than a second to form an impression of someone’s personality based on their voice alone.
We know that our voices can transmit subtle signals about our gender, age, even body strength and certain personality traits, but Phil McAleer at the University of Glasgow and his colleagues wondered whether we make an instant impression. To find out, they recorded 64 people as they read a passage. They then extracted the word "hello" and asked 320 people to rate the voices on a scale of 1 to 9 for one of 10 perceived personality traits—including trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness.
Although it’s not clear how accurate such snap judgments are, what is apparent is that we all make them, and very quickly. "We were surprised by just how similar people’s ratings were," says McAleer. Using a scale in which 0 represents no agreement on a perceived trait and 1 reflects complete agreement, all 10 traits scored o
A. Most people agreed each voice represented each trait.
B. Our voices can transmit subtle signals about ourselves.
C. People can make accurate snap judgments very quickly.
D. People cannot form an instant impression through voice.

W: If you had listened to me, we’d be at the party. Move over. I’ll drive.
M: I was sure I knew the way there. I’ll turn around.

What can we learn from the conversation( ).
A. The man can’t drive well.
B. The car has broken down.
C. They are on the wrong way.
[填空题]If you had told me about your problem earlier, ______ (我会帮你的).

[单项选择] If you had told me back in 1971 — the year I graduated high school—that I’d be going off to college soon, I would have assured you that you were sorely mistaken. I was the son of a plumber living in western Massachusetts, and we had all assumed that in the end I’d be a plumber, too. I spent the year after high school working in construction. Then one day I went to visit some friends at Dean College, a two-year residential college 45 minutes outside of Boston, and my mind-set began to change. As I walked around campus and listened to my friends talk about their experiences, I realized this was an opportunity to change my path that might not come again. So I enrolled at Dean, and I can honestly say it was a life-altering experience. The school’’s philosophy is to educate, energize and inspire. In fact, it was a Dean professor, Charlie Kramer, who ignited my passion for economics and taught me how to think analytically. After all these years, I still have my notes from his e
A. because his family members urged him to do so
B. when he graduated from high school
C. suddenly when he visited some friends at Dean College
D. because he is a member of Dean College’’s board of trustees
[单项选择]If you had told me in advance, I ( ) him at the airport.
A. would meet
B. would had met
C. would have met
D. would have meet
[单项选择]If you had told me in advance, I ______ him at the airport.
A. would meet
B. would had met
C. would have met D. would have meet
[填空题]If you had told me earlier, I ______ (不会符合同的).

[单项选择]You()if you had had higher score in the examination.
A. must have got scholarship    
B. would have got scholarshi
C. should get scholarship      
D. had got scholarship
[单项选择]If you had had an umbrella, you ( )wet.
A. would havegotten
B. would not have gotten
C. will not get
D. will have gotten
[填空题]If you had told me in advance __________________(我会让你搭车的).


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