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发布时间:2024-08-22 06:26:07

[单项选择]Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs There are two primary reasons. First, some people are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.
If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can’t wait to get hack to work. " If you didn’t feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play is not good, all play and no work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form of order in our lives.
The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once
A. it is up to you to choose between two alternatives
B. you are to do wonders in your work
C. it seems to be the only positive attitude
D. you have made a decision on your own

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Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs There are two primary reasons. First, some people are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.
If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can’t wait to get back to work." While all work and no play is not good, all play and no work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form of order in our lives.
The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you’ve been at a company for five years and have a spouse, a mortgage and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jumping ship if things aren’t turning out as you’d planned. A steady paycheck can
A. To extend the vacation as long as possible.
B. To gain a balance between work and play.
C. To go back to work as soon as possible.
D. To relax completely, free from worry.

[填空题]Happy people tend to talk more than unhappy people, but when they do, it tends to be less small talk and more substance. A group of (36) from the University of Arizona and Washington University in St. Louis set out to find whether happy and unhappy people (37) in the types of conversations they tend to have. For their study, volunteers wore an (38) recording device called the Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) over four days. The device (39) records pieces of sounds as participants go about their lives. The EAR (40) 30 seconds of sounds every 12.5 minutes (41) a total of more than 20, 000 recordings. Researchers then listened to the recordings and (42) the conversations as small talk discussions. In addition, the volunteers completed (43) and well-being assessments.
Here’s what the researchers found: The happiest participants spent 25 percent less time alone and 70 percent more time talk


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