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发布时间:2024-08-20 18:31:37

[判断题]Section A At the age of 37, Jared, a would-be professor in New York State, should already have a permanent position at a university and perhaps be publishing his second or third book. Instead, he’s working on a paper in sociology that he’d planned to complete a decade ago. He’s blown two "drop-dead" deadlines and is worried about missing a third. No one can understand why a guy they consider brilliant doesn’t "just do it." Nor, for that matter, can Jared. Jared is among the one in five people who chronically procrastinate, endangering careers and throwing away peace of mind, all the while repeating, "I should be doing something else right now." Procrastination is not just an issue of time management or laziness. It’s about feeling paralyzed and guilty as yon channel surf, knowing you should be studying or rethinking your investment strategy. Why the gap between incentive and action Psychologists now believe it is a combination of several factors, some of whi

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[判断题]Section A At the age of 37, Jared, a would-be professor in New York State, should already have a permanent position at a university and perhaps be publishing his second or third book. Instead, he’s working on a paper in sociology that he’d planned to complete a decade ago. He’s blown two "drop-dead" deadlines and is worried about missing a third. No one can understand why a guy they consider brilliant doesn’t "just do it." Nor, for that matter, can Jared. Jared is among the one in five people who chronically procrastinate, endangering careers and throwing away peace of mind, all the while repeating, "I should be doing something else right now." Procrastination is not just an issue of time management or laziness. It’s about feeling paralyzed and guilty as yon channel surf, knowing you should be studying or rethinking your investment strategy. Why the gap between incentive and action Psychologists now believe it is a combination of several factors, some of whi
[单项选择]Section B Jellyfish (61) They look like jelly, but of course they aren’t. And they certainly aren’t fish. So, what exactly are these strange creatures (62) Jellyfish consist of over 95 % water. They have no head, brain, heart, eyes, ears or bones! They have a kind of body, called a "bell". The bell is the big round part that looks like jelly. Inside it are nerves, which are all jellyfish needs to move to sense light. (63) When jellyfish find their food, these tentacles can shoot out poison to kill it. Underneath the bell is a mouth. (64) There are over 2,000 species, and new ones are still being found. They vary greatly in appearance and size, from ones as small as a coin to ones with bells over 2 meters across and tentacles 60 meters long. (65) The box jellyfish, which lives in the seas off Northern Australia and Indonesia, is so poisonous that it can kill a human bein
[判断题]Section A Lobos Beach, Chile With its dramatic black rocks and sheer cliffs this is a stunning beach location. Year after year dedicated surfers make the pilgrimage to this area in droves during the holiday season, armed with their brightly-coloured surfboards. They come in search of the perfect wave and they are rarely, if ever, disappointed. It’s a place full of energy where the force of the Pacific Ocean meets the long crescent of volcanic sand, creating incredible barrels which curl and break with impressive power—a real challenge for beginners and more experienced suffers alike! All those who come surfing here need to bear in mind the deadly undercurrents and hidden rocks that are potentially lethal. For those who suffer typical surfing injuries, first aid facilities are available in a wooden hut at the far end of the beach. Only one hundred meters from the sea you can stay in log cabins surrounded by thick veg


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