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发布时间:2023-12-16 21:34:19

[单项选择]Section B Jellyfish (61) They look like jelly, but of course they aren’t. And they certainly aren’t fish. So, what exactly are these strange creatures (62) Jellyfish consist of over 95 % water. They have no head, brain, heart, eyes, ears or bones! They have a kind of body, called a "bell". The bell is the big round part that looks like jelly. Inside it are nerves, which are all jellyfish needs to move to sense light. (63) When jellyfish find their food, these tentacles can shoot out poison to kill it. Underneath the bell is a mouth. (64) There are over 2,000 species, and new ones are still being found. They vary greatly in appearance and size, from ones as small as a coin to ones with bells over 2 meters across and tentacles 60 meters long. (65) The box jellyfish, which lives in the seas off Northern Australia and Indonesia, is so poisonous that it can kill a human bein

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[多项选择]Section B
Directions: In this section, there is one passage followed by 5 questions. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions in a maximum of 10 words.
Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage.
Going to the beach is many American’s favorite activity. In the area near New York City, nine million people used to go to the beach every summer. They went swimming in the ocean without giving a thought to what was underwater. But those days are long gone.
In the summer of 1988, the government was forced to shut down beaches all over America. Many of the beaches had to be closed because garbage from hospitals was found in the water. The garbage including glass bottles with samples of blood, and people were afraid they might get AIDS from the blood. Where the medical garbage came from is anybody’s guess. At some beaches, sewage was found in the water.
Americans were shocked
[多项选择]Section B
There is one passage in this section with five unfinished statements. Read the passage carefully, and then complete each statement in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.
Although French, German, American and British pioneers have all been credited with the invention of cinema, the British and the Germans played a relatively small role in its worldwide exploitation. It was above all the French, followed closely by the Americans, who were the most passionate exporters of the new invention, helping to start cinema in China, Japan, Latin America and Russia. In terms of artistic development it was again the French and the Americans who took the lead, though in the years before the First World War, Italy, Denmark and Russia also played a part.
In the end it was the United States that was to become, and remain, th

Section B
There is one passage in this section with five unfinished statements. Read the passage carefully, and then complete each statement in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.
As the windiest country in Europe, the United Kingdom’s wind power potential is larger than the rest of Europe put together. Half of this resource is in Scotland. The UK’s government has promised to generate 10% of their electricity using renewable resources. Wind power is seen to be the answer to doing this. The UK has issued wind farm licences to produce as much electricity as about six nuclear power stations. This policy has found favour with the public who support the search for cleaner energy sources.
Until 1989, Denmark was the only European state that had installed wind turbines for generating electricity. After 1989, other European cou
[简答题]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}
In, this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
My mother started the San Francisco version of the Joy Luck Club in 1949, two years before I was born. This was the year my mother and father left China with one stiff leather trunk filled only with fancy silk dresses. There was no time to pack anything else, my mother had explained to my father after they boarded the boat. Still his hands swam frantically between the slippery silks, looking for his cotton shirts and wool pants.
When they arrived in San Francisco, my father made her hide those shiny clothes. She wore the same brown-checked Chinese dress until the Refugee Welcome Society gave her two hand-me-down dresses, all too large in sizes for American women. The society was compo
[单项选择]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}

Passage One

A. England didn’t have private universities as America did.
B. American higher education was better in quality.
C. England had more famous colleges than America.
D. America had a lot more universities than England.


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