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发布时间:2024-02-01 00:28:52

[多项选择]· Read part of a note below you have received from your manager.
Mr. King called to invite the staff of our department to visit his factory. Could you give him a reply Would you please tell him how many people would like to go and what we want to see the most He didn’t tell me the exact date on which we are going to visit. Please check with him.
· Write an email to Mr. King:
· thanking him for the invitation
· telling him how many people want to go
· stating what you are most interested in seeing
· asking about the time of the visit.
· Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not include any postal address.

更多"· Read part of a note below you hav"的相关试题:

[多项选择]● Read this note which you have had from the Chairman of the company where you work.
Mireira Automotives
From Dr Mireira, Chairman Confidential

Dear Lee
I am pleased to tell you that we want to make you Manager of our branch in Sao Paolo.
The position carries the same duties as your present job, but, because the Sao Paolo branch is larger, we will give you a 15% increase in salary, and other benefits.
Your new job will start at the beginning of October.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
● Write a reply to Mr. Mireira.
· thanking him for the offer
· giving a reason why you cannot start until November
· asking for a bigger increase in salary
· requesting details about the other benefits.
● Write 60—80 words on your Answer sheet.
● Do not include postal addresses.
[简答题]You have received the invitation below, but you will not be able to attend the party. Write a letter to Mr. Smith, explaining the reason why you cannot go and how you plan to make up for it.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
request the presence of
Mr. Wang Lin
On the occasion of their
10th Wedding Anniversary on October 24th , Saturday, at 7 pm
You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead. You do not need to write the address.
[多项选择]· Read this part of a note from Emma Jackson, boss of a French travel agency.
We are thinking of printing a brochure to introduce tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe. Please contact the major hotels and scenic spots and the like and invite them to make advertisements.
· Write a letter to Hotel Mecure:
· giving a brief self-introduction
· saying what kind of brochure you are going to print
· stating the rate of advertising
· asking for a prompt reply.
· Write 60-80 words.
· Write on your Answer Sheet.
[多项选择]You have received a note from Li Ming, asking you whether it is necessary to buy a computer. Now write back, giving your opinion.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

[多项选择]PART ONE
·You have received a fax from a customer who in the fax complained that he had received 100 green motorbikes instead of 50 green and 50 blue motorbikes. In order to solve the problem and find out the facts, write an email to Mr. Robert Simon, who is in charge of delivering goods from warehouse.
Tell him about the claim.
Mention the date of delivery.
[简答题]{{I}}You have received a note from Li Ming, asking you whether it is necessary to buy a computer. Now write back, giving your opinion. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.{{/I}}
[多项选择]PART ONE
·You have received an e-mail from a customer who in the e-mail complained that he had received 100 green colour jackets instead of 50 green and 50 blue colour jackets. In order to solve the problem and find out the facts, you write a short note to the clothing store.
·Write a short note to Mr. Randy Simon, who is in charge of delivering goods from clothing store.
·Tell him about the claim
·Mention the date of delivery
·Ask for the duplicate invoice
·Write 30--40 words on your Answer Sheet.
Dear Mr. Simon,
[简答题]Read this note from your friend, Spencer. Let’s meet for dinner near your house on Saturday. Where shall we eat What time can you come Where can I park my car Spencer Write Spencer a note. Answer the questions. Write 25-35 words. Write the note on your answer sheet.
[多项选择]PART 1
·Have you been collecting stamps for a long time
[多项选择]PART 1
·Do you have any pets

Part A
You have received an invitation to the birthday party of your friend, Tom. But you can’t attend it. Write a note to Tom to
1) thank him for the invitation,
2) give reasons why you can’t go, and
3) apologize and express your wishes.
You should write no less than 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.

[多项选择]PART 1
·Do you like reading Where do you often read books
[多项选择]· Read part of a letter below from Andrew Trellis inviting you to a business reception at which your company will receive an award.
We are pleased to inform you that your company has won this year’s Business 2003 Award. The award will be presented at a reception at the Park Hotel on February 19.
I would be grateful if you would let me know as soon as you can whether you will be able to attend and, also, whether you would be prepared to give a short talk during the evening.
· Write a letter to Mr Trellis:
· thanking him for the award
· suggesting a topic for the talk
· saying what equipment you will need
· asking whether some members of staff can also attend.
· Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not include any postal addresses.
Dear Mr Trellis
[多项选择]PART ONE
· You are a sales accountant. You have to admit that you were negligent in confusing Mr. Liu’s invoice with another one.
· Write a memo to your manager..
· Telling him Mr. Liu is correct in his complaint
· Admitting that you are responsible
· Making sure that he gets a replacement invoice
· Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet./r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n /r/n

[多项选择]· Read part of a letter below from Tom Miller inviting you to an annual meeting held by The National Advertising Directors Association at which you are urged to make a speech.
Our association will have its annual meeting 15-18 August at Shangri-la Hotel. I have been asked to lead a panel discussion on "The Roles of Media".
Would you serve as our speaker-specialist I would appreciate it if you would let me know as soon as you can whether it will be possible for you to attend the meeting and undertake this assignment.
· Write a letter to Mr. Miller:
· thanking him for the invitation
· showing your willingness to accept it
· asking how long the talk should be
· enquiring whether some members of your staff can also attend.
· Do not include any postal address.
[多项选择]· Read part of a fax from a hotel manager, Mr. Washington, asking about the change of schedule.
Thank you very much for your email, enquiring about the availability of the conference room at our hotel on October 12. Unfortunately, on the date you have chosen, there is another conference. Would you please considering making a change to your schedule
· Write a fax to Mr. Washington:
· thanking him for his fax
· agreeing to change the schedule
· suggesting another date
· telling him what else you want him to do.
· Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not include any postal address.
Where are you from
How long have you lived there
How does your hometown compare with... (place where the candidate is currently living)
What about your family
Could you tell us something about your family
What do you do in... (the candidate’s hometown), do you work or study
(If the candidate is already working)
What does your work involve
Is your job something you had always wanted to do
How long do you think you will stay in this job
(If the candidate is still at school, college or university)
What are your favorite subjects at school What exactly are you studying
What type of work are you hoping to do in the future
What qualifications will you need to achieve that


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