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发布时间:2024-08-22 01:17:19

[单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. Being a problem to the society.
B. Being squashed.
C. Taking drugs.
D. Becoming an orange.

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[单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. Dealing with people’s questions.
B. Taking bookings for travelers.
C. Editing the student magazine.
D. Working in different factories.
[单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A. Because there is an excellent bus service. B. Because there is an excellent railway service.
C. Because there is an excellent subway system. D. Because taxi system there isn’t convenient.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
W: Hello,Mr.Kramnik.Thanks for calling.Now,when Would suit you
M: Well,in fact I can come almost any time next month, and probably (22)towards the end of a week would suit me best
W: I see.Well,how about the week beginning June 24th Ms.Hannam is away during the middle of the month,(23)so either the end of June or the first week of July would be best
M: (23)Well,could we make it earlier thenI mean early in June How about the week beginning with the 3rd
W: Er…let me see…Could we say Thursday 6th
M: Yes,that’s alright.What time shall I come
W: Well,would you plan to arrive in London that day,or cOme the night before and stay in a hotel
M: (24)Oh I think it would be better to arrive the night before and meet early in the day.Then I think I’d plan to leave the same day.
W: Wel
A. Too early.
B. A little late.
C. Workable.
D. Ideal.

[单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. Take a course.
B. See the city.
C. Go to the park.
D. Take a rest.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
M: Hello,Amanda.
W: Peter! You haven’t moved back here,have you
M: Good heavens no…erm…(19)I’m still in London.I came back for the funeral.My father’s.A heart attack.It happened very suddenly.
W: I’m sorry.
M: Thank you.And I take it that you’re not living back here either
W: No,I’m in London,too,just back for my sister’s wedding tomorrow.
M: That’s nice.Are you rushing off somewhere
W: No,I’m just killing time,really.
M: Then I suggest we kill it together.Let’s grab a coffee.
W: Er…and so,Peter,did you become a foreign correspondent
M: Not exactly.(20)I’m a lawyer,believe it or not
W: Do you enjoy it
M: Yes.And you Are you a world famous artist
W: Well…er…no.

A. To attend his father’s funeral.
B. To attend his sister’s wedding.
C. To find a new job.
D. To kill time.


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