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发布时间:2023-12-08 06:10:52

[填空题]Fifty years ago, more than 75 percent of all adult women in the U.S. had no jobs.

更多"Fifty years ago, more than 75 perce"的相关试题:

More than ten years ago, Ingmar Bergman announced that the widely acclaimed Fanny and Alexander would mark his last hurrah as a filmmaker. Although some critics had written him off as earnest but ponderous, others were saddened by the departure of an artist who had explored cinematic moods—from high tragedy to low comedy—during his four-decade career.
What nobody foresaw was that Bergman would find a variety of ways to circumvent his own retirement—directing television movies, staging theater productions, and writing screenplays for other filmmakers to direct. His latest enterprise as a screenwriter, Sunday’s Children, completes a trilogy of family-oriented movies that began with Fanny and Alexander and continued with The Best Intentions written by Bergman and directed by Danish filmmaker Bille August.
Besides dealing with members of Bergman’
A. (A) more than ten years
B. (B) the bygone times
C. (C) the late 1920s
D. (D) his own retirement
[单项选择]More than two hundred years ago the United States () from the British Empire and became an independent country.
A. got off
B. pulled down
C. broke away
D. dropped off
[单项选择]Over the years, more than two hundred fifty million dollars in company profits have been donated to social causes and organizations.
A. 数年以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入被捐给了社会的团体以及个人。
B. 长期以来,超过两亿五千万美元的公司利润被捐给了公益事业和组织。
C. 年复一年,公司把多达两亿五百万美元的收入全部投入到了社会福利事业。
D. 多年以来,公司将超过两亿五千万美元的盈利捐给了公益事业和组织。
E. 很久以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入都投入到了公益慈善事业上面。
[填空题]Over the past four years, more than half of students in the high school caught receiving text messaged answers on their cell phones during an accounting exam.
[填空题]More than one thousand years ago, students were sent to Japan to study Confucianism.

More than three million years ago, our ancestors were already on the march, rising on two legs to search for food, seek greener lands and, above all, to grow in body and brain. Let’s meet some of them:
1. Australopithecus afarensis
They had ape-like faces and their brains were a third the size of modem humans’ brains. They lived 3-3.9 million years ago. Fossils were found in Ethiopia in 1974.
2. Paranthropus boisei
Covered with fur, they had strong arms and gorilla-like faces. They lived 1-2.5 million years ago. Fossils were found in Tanzania in 1959.
3. Homo habilis
Homo habilis, which actually means "handy man", was the first species to make and use primitive stone tools. They lived 1.6-2.2 million years ago. Fossils were found in Tanzania in 1960.
4. Homo erectus
With skeletons very similar to those of modern humans, they were probably the first to use fire. They lived 30,000-1.8 million year
A. Man could stand on two feet.
B. Man’s brain became big enough.
C. Man’s arms became strong.
D. Man could use the stone tools.

Text 1
More than a hundred years ago, before the Civil War, a crew of cowboys stood outside a large horse corral, With them was their boss Bradford Grimes, a cattleman, who owned a large South Texas ranch near the Gulf of Mexico.
Just then, Mrs. Grimes, the cattleman’s wife, came to the ranch house door and cried out, "Bradford! Bradford! Those Blacks are worth a thousand dollars apiece. One might get killed." The cowboys laughed, but they knew she was telling the truth. For they were all Black slaves. Bradford Grimes was their owner.
Most of the first Black cowboys were slaves, brought by their masters from the old South. On the plantations in the South, the slaves cut cotton. On the ranches in Texas they had to learn a new trade—breaking horses and handling long-horns. Some were taught by Mexican vaqueros, some by Indiana who knew
A. They cut cotton.
B. They escaped from slavery.
C. They were mostly cowboys.
D. They were riders.
[填空题]What happened more than 10, 000 years ago
A woman let fall ______.

[单项选择]Some years ago industries had more freedom than they have now, and they did not need to be as careful as they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed. They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers.
Of course sometimes there were real disasters which attracted the attention of governments and which showed need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information which governments could not ignore. At such times, there were inquiries into the causes of the disaster or the problems. New safety rules were often introduced as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rule; came too late to protect the people who died or who became seriously iii.
Today many gov
A. governments and companies had different opinions about the safety of products
B. governments paid little attention to the safety of products
C. government officials often did not listen to scientists
D. in the past no safety laws were introduced by governments


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