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发布时间:2024-01-24 18:46:57

Text 1
More than a hundred years ago, before the Civil War, a crew of cowboys stood outside a large horse corral, With them was their boss Bradford Grimes, a cattleman, who owned a large South Texas ranch near the Gulf of Mexico.
Just then, Mrs. Grimes, the cattleman’s wife, came to the ranch house door and cried out, "Bradford! Bradford! Those Blacks are worth a thousand dollars apiece. One might get killed." The cowboys laughed, but they knew she was telling the truth. For they were all Black slaves. Bradford Grimes was their owner.
Most of the first Black cowboys were slaves, brought by their masters from the old South. On the plantations in the South, the slaves cut cotton. On the ranches in Texas they had to learn a new trade—breaking horses and handling long-horns. Some were taught by Mexican vaqueros, some by Indiana who knew
A. They cut cotton.
B. They escaped from slavery.
C. They were mostly cowboys.
D. They were riders.

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Text 1
More than a hundred years ago, before the Civil War, a crew of cowboys stood outside a large horse corral, With them was their boss Bradford Grimes, a cattleman, who owned a large South Texas ranch near the Gulf of Mexico.
Just then, Mrs. Grimes, the cattleman’s wife, came to the ranch house door and cried out, "Bradford! Bradford! Those Blacks are worth a thousand dollars apiece. One might get killed." The cowboys laughed, but they knew she was telling the truth. For they were all Black slaves. Bradford Grimes was their owner.
Most of the first Black cowboys were slaves, brought by their masters from the old South. On the plantations in the South, the slaves cut cotton. On the ranches in Texas they had to learn a new trade—breaking horses and handling long-horns. Some were taught by Mexican vaqueros, some by Indiana who knew
A. had been brought to Texas by their owners from the old south
B. came on their own to look for the promised land
C. came from ranches in Mexico looking for work on Texas cattle ranches
D. came from Africa
[单项选择]More than a hundred years ago, before the Civil War, a crew of cowboys stood outside a large horse corral, With them was their boss Bradford Grimes, a cattleman, who owned a large South Texas ranch near the Gulf of Mexico.
Just then, Mrs. Grimes, the cattleman’s wife, came to the ranch house door and cried out, "Bradford! Bradford! Those Blacks are worth a thousand dollars apiece. One might get killed." The cowboys laughed, but they knew she was telling the truth. For they were all Black slaves. Bradford Grimes was their owner.
Most of the first Black cowboys were slaves, brought by their masters from the old South. On the plantations in the South, the slaves cut cotton. On the ranches in Texas they had to learn a new trade—breaking horses and handling long-horns. Some were taught by Mexican vaqueros, some by Indiana who knew the ways of horses and cattle.
Grimes was only one of hundreds of slaveowning ranchers who ran cattle in Texas. The ranchers had brought their fami
A. had been brought to Texas by their owners from the old south
B. came on their own to look for the promised land
C. came from ranches in Mexico looking for work on Texas cattle ranches
D. came from Africa

More than seven hundred years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog, Gelert. One day the Prince wanted to go hunting with his men. He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle, which was like a small bed.
When the Prince came back from hunting, Gelert ran out to meet his master. Then the Prince saw blood on Gelert’s jaws and head.
"What have you done" The Prince said. He rushed into his home and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on the floor. The clothes were torn and there was blood on them.
"So you killed my son!" the Prince said angrily. "You unfaithful dog!" He took out his sword and killed the dog. Just as Gelert was dying, he managed to bark for a moment. Then the Prince heard a baby call to the dog.
The Prince ran out of the house and saw his son lying on the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince knew
A. Of the Prince of Scotland.
B. Of the Prince of England.
C. Of the Prince of Ireland.
D. Of the Prince of Wales.

[单项选择]Over the years, more than two hundred fifty million dollars in company profits have been donated to social causes and organizations.
A. 数年以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入被捐给了社会的团体以及个人。
B. 长期以来,超过两亿五千万美元的公司利润被捐给了公益事业和组织。
C. 年复一年,公司把多达两亿五百万美元的收入全部投入到了社会福利事业。
D. 多年以来,公司将超过两亿五千万美元的盈利捐给了公益事业和组织。
E. 很久以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入都投入到了公益慈善事业上面。
[单项选择]A hundred years ago, chocolate was something
A. that only wealthy people could eat.
B. that people all eat like today.
C. nobody could afford.


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