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发布时间:2024-04-08 18:06:14

[单项选择]To: All Staff
From: Joe, Sales
Subject: Articles found
I’ve found a swipe card in the elevator. Now it’s waiting for the owner to collect it at my desk on level 5.
The swipe card is now
A. at the owner’s desk.
B. in an office of the Sales department.
C. in the elevator.

更多"To: All Staff From: Joe, Sales Su"的相关试题:

To: Sales Staff
From: Josephine Marano, Owner
Subject: Ordering New Stock
I am currently looking for new CDs to order for our upcoming promotion. In the past, soundtracks have seemed to be the trend, so I am particularly looking into displaying a wide selection at the sale. Please let me know in an e-mail which titles and artists we need to have in stock. I will also be bringing in R&B, classical, blues, and rock compilations to add to our limited collections. I would love to hear your suggestions for these types, too. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Which type of merchandise has had the best sales in the past
A. Songs from hit movies
B. Classical Artists
C. Rhythm and Blues CDs
D. Compilations of Rock Music

To: Sales Staff
From: Robert Webster, manager of Sales
Date: March, 8, 2005
Subject: Quarterly Sales Figures
I’ve just seen the sales figures for the first quarter, and I’m happy to announce we’re ahead of last year’s figure by 10 percent! The top three sales people will be awarded, Number one will receive $ 300. 00; Number two, $ 200. 00, and Number three,$100. 00. This great performance reflects the dedication and hard work of the entire sales staff. Let’s see if we can continue the good work and beat the last year’s record for the remaining three quarters.
RW: wrt

What is the announcement about ()

To: Sales staff
From: Ted Shaw
Subject: Discounts
Date: 20 March 2008
①Discounts are now only allowed to give to customers ②who purchase our products in bulk.
A. Customers can get a discount if they buy our products.
B. A discount will be given only when customers place large orders.
C. A number of customers who place an order together can get a discount.

TO: All staff members
FROM: Jenny Lee, HR Director
SUBJECT: Vacation days
Some changes regarding our company vacation policy here at Johnson & Johnson Incorporated have been made. It is now mandatory for everyone to submit a completed vacation request form at least 2 weeks in advance to get the vacation days you want. This, of course, is the result of the problems we had last year when too many employees took time off in June to see the World Cup. As you know, June was a very busy time for us, and we ran into big problems.
The form is available at the Human Resources Department. You are to fill it out and submit it to your immediate manager to get approval. Once it has been approved, it will also be sent up to me to get my approval. In case your manager feels that the timing of your request is not proper, then he will have the authority to deny your request. Therefore, I suggest that everyone hand in your requests early. Thank you for your cooperat
A. To notify employees of an organizational reshuffling within the company
B. To make an adjustment in the length of vacation days
C. To introduce a new company benefits package
D. To provide an update on a company rule

[简答题] MEMO
To: All staff

Tierra Engineering

To: All staff
From: Robert Tierra
Date: March 25
Subject: April 9-13
Congratulations on making Tierra Engineering’s tenth year such a terrific success. In honor of all you have done for the company, we have scheduled an Employee Appreciation Week in April. Throughout the week, the management team will be sponsoring a variety of events in appreciation of your hard work and marvelous contributions to the success of Tierra Engineering. Listed below are the activities that will be held.
Monday, April 9 Open-air music
Kuwaitis Field 12 AM to 6 PM
Tuesday, April 10 Charitable
Fun Run and
Fitness Walk
A. To inform managers of a schedule conflict
B. To introduce the opening of a new Ioca office
C. To inform staff of a special series of activities
D. To hire musicians for a music concert

To: All Staff
From: Eunice Lane
Date: 15 June 2009
Subject: Staff Training Programme
Two choices are available for the Staff Training Programme this year. Course A is designed for the new staff and Course B for those who want a refresher course. And they will be held in Conference Room A and B respectively. These two coures are offered in lecture form (in the morning) and workshop form ( in the afternoon). Pleases book a place at least two days in advance.
To: Ella, Finance
From: Daniel, Sales
Date: 20 June 2009
Subject: Training course
I find it’s time to update my skills in working. The staff training programme will start in three days, but I can’t come back until the day after tomorrow. I prefer listening to a trainer and take notes. Could you please book a place for me
Thank you.
Course Booking Form


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