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发布时间:2024-08-20 02:09:28

[单项选择]{{B}} Directions:{{/B}} You are going to hear three conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet. {{B}} Questions 11 ~ 15 are based on the following conversation.{{/B}}Which of the following statements is NOT true
A. The man’s mother keeps asking him to give up smoking.
B. The woman persuades the man to give up smoking.
C. The man’s mother asked the woman to persuade him to give up smoking.
D. The man thinks it easy to give up smoking.

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You are going to read a text about basic element in both speaking and writing, followed by a list of examples and explanations. Choose the best example or explanation from the list A-F for each numbered subheading (41-45). There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
There are many differences between communicating in written and spoken words—one to one or one to many. Because speaking is face to face and personal, it is much more direct than writing. Hand and body gestures, facial expressions, and vocal variety help greatly to support face-to-face communication. It is also reinforced by instant feedback from listeners in the form of smiles, frowns, applause, catcalls, clenched fists, and so on. An alert speaker who is sensitive to feedback can "shift gears" and adapt to changing circumstances.
41. The differences between talking and writing
Writing, however, depend


Part B Directions: You are going to read the tips on top of the world, followed by a list of examples. Choose the best example from the list A~F for each numbered subheading (41~45).There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) 41. What do you need in order to be a record breaker Sports experts agree that the single most important factor in creating a champion is genetic make-up: the possession of genes that impart an innate ability to stride, leap, burn energy efficiently or suck lots of oxygen from the air. The great athletes are genuine statistical outliers... physiological freaks, says sports scientist Craig Sharp of Brunel University in Middlesex, UK. 42. How will we find or create the next generation of champion athletes The most likely way is to widen our search to find someone with a genetic make-up that allows him or her to surpass other athletes. When East African runners began compe


Part B Directions: You are going to read a list of headings and a text about five possible scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use; Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
[A] We’ll "manage" Earth.
[B] We’ll have a brain road map.
[C] We’ll know where we came from.
[D] We’ll clone many useful creatures.
[E] We’ll live longer (120 years).
[F] We’ll crack the genetic code and conquer cancer.
It is predicted that there will be 5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century. 41. ______. Why does the universe exist To put it another way, why is there something instead of nothing Since the 1920s, scientists have known the universe is expanding, which means it mu


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