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发布时间:2024-07-12 18:17:26


W: Well, this must be the National Library.
M: I guess so. Oh no! I don’t think it’s open today. Look. It says "Closed Tuesdays".
W: Well, we’ll just have to come back tomorrow.
M: But we’re supposed to go on that tour tomorrow.
W: Oh, that’ s fight. I forgot all about it. How about the day after tomorrow then
M: It’s OK with me.

When will they visit the National Library ( )
A. On Tuesday.
B. On Wednesday.
C. On Thursday.
D. On the weekend.

更多"W: Well, this must be the National "的相关试题:


M: I’m afraid I must be going now.
W: Must you It’s still early.
M: I’m afraid I really must. I have to meet a midnight plane.
W: In that case, we can’t keep you.
M: Well, thank you very much for a pleasant evening.
W: Thank you for coming. You must come again.
M: Thank you. I will. Goodbye.
W: Goodbye. I wish you a very good journey home.

Why does the man leave early( ).
A. Because he is too tired.
B. Because he is catching a flight.
C. Because he does not like to stay.

M: I waited until 10:20 for you.
W: I must have arrived 8 minutes after you left.

What time did the woman arrive( ).
A. 10:20.
B. 10:14.
C. 10:28.

W: David, I must say sorry to you.
M: Why
W: Do you remember I borrowed several magazines from you last week
M: Yes, I lent you three magazines that day.
W: But today I only can find two of them. I lost one. I’d pay it for you.
M: It doesn’t matter. They are only some old magazines. You don’t need to return them to me if you can’t find them.
W: But I’m really sorry for being so careless. I can buy another new magazine for you.
M: No, I don’t want to hear anything like that. Let’s talk about anything else.

How many magazines did David lend to the woman( ).
A. Three.
B. Two.
C. One.

W: You must have been driving too fast.
M: No, I crashed into the tree because I was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck just ahead.

What happened to the man ()
A. He hit a tree.
B. He hit a truck.
C. He hit a box.
D. He hurt his head.
[单项选择]W: I’m terribly sorry I’m late. I had rather a difficult time finding your office.
A. Saying sorry won’t be enough for being late. You have to account for what you’ve done.
B. That’s all right. Please sit down and I’ll start to ask you a few questions.
C. You needn’t saying sorry. It’s often the case.
D. Put on your name in the attendance record and go to your work.

W: I wonder ii I could borrow your dictionary
M: You certainly could if I had one, but I lost my old one yesterday and I haven’t bought a new one yet.

What did the man say about his dictionary()
A. He has bought a new one.
B. He lost his old one and borrowed a new one.
C. He didn’t have any dictionary them

W: I’m worried about the speech I’m going to give tonight.
M: You’ll be just fine. Everyone was really impressed with your last one.

What does the man mean ()
A. He thinks she will do a good job.
B. He will impress everybody with the presentation.
C. She has good reason to worry.
D. She will be fine if she practices more.

W: I’m tired. I’m having next week off.
M: That’s a good idea. The break will do you good.

What does the man mean( ).
A. The woman has a good idea.
B. The woman should break the relationship.
C. The woman will come back next week.
D. The woman really needs a week off.

M: May I see Dr. Smith, please
W: I’m sorry. He has gone to Shanghai on business. He will be back next Friday.

When will Dr. Smith come back ()
A. Next Wednesday.
B. Next Thursday.
C. Next Monday.
D. Next Friday.

W: I’m sorry I forgot to return your physics book last night.
M: I’ll forgive you considering the test isn’t till Friday.
Q: What does the man imply ()

A. The woman should have been more considerate.
B. He probably won’t do well on Friday’s test.
C. The woman hasn’t caused a problem.
D. The woman should help him study for the test.

W: I must catch the 10:00 train to New York. It’s nearly 10 o’clock now. Can you manage to get me there in time
M: Usually it takes fifteen minutes to get to the station from here, but, I’ll try to drive you there in 10 minutes.

Why is the woman in a hurry ()
A. Because she is going to New York.
B. Because she wants to catch the train.
C. Because she doesn’t want to be caught in the rain.
D. Because she can’t drive.

W:Excuse me.
W:I bought this calculator here yesterday but it doesn’t work.
M:Oh, let’s see what’s wrong.
W:This button doesn’t work.When I push it nothing happens.
M:You are right. I’ll give you another one. Show me your receipt please.

What do we learn from the conversation()
A. Nothing is wrong with the calculator
B. The calculator is too expensive
C. The button of the calculator is off
D. To change a new calculator, the receipt is needed

W: I’m leaving for Madrid on business next week.
M: Take John’s address in case you have time to drop in on him there.

When will the woman leave for Madrid ()
A. Next week.
B. This week.
C. The day after tomorrow.
D. Tomorrow.


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