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发布时间:2023-10-06 06:43:40

[单项选择]An ethics crisis at one of the world’s most successful human embryonic stem cell laboratories has plunged the controversial field of research into a new swirl of uncertainty. The accusations surrounding Korean cloning expert Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National University--the first scientist to grow stem cells inside cloned human embryos--has already killed a spate of planned studies that sought to prove the cells’ medical potential. The claims that Hwang may have obtained human eggs for his studies from women who felt pressured to donate are also reigniting a long-smoldering debate in the United States over the ethics of paying young women for their eggs, which are difficult to obtain but essential to the production of stem cells tailored to individuals.
Egg donation, which is generally safe but occasionally leads to serious and even life-threatening complications, has been a wedge issue in the stem cell debates, linking feminists and other liberal thinkers to conservatives who favor
A. It will leave a life-threatening disease to unhealthy donors.
B. It is extremely important to the creation of human embryo.
C. It will make the donors feel ashamed when they donate eggs.
D. Its importance to the stem cell research lies on its rareness.

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[单项选择]An ethics crisis at one of the world’s most successful human embryonic stem cell laboratories has plunged the controversial field of research into a new swirl of uncertainty. The accusations surrounding Korean cloning expert Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National University--the first scientist to grow stem cells inside cloned human embryos--has already killed a spate of planned studies that sought to prove the cells’ medical potential. The claims that Hwang may have obtained human eggs for his studies from women who felt pressured to donate are also reigniting a long-smoldering debate in the United States over the ethics of paying young women for their eggs, which are difficult to obtain but essential to the production of stem cells tailored to individuals.
Egg donation, which is generally safe but occasionally leads to serious and even life-threatening complications, has been a wedge issue in the stem cell debates, linking feminists and other liberal thinkers to conservatives who favor
A. Hwang paid the women for their eggs in his studies.
B. The charge of Hwang re-activized the debate in U. S..
C. The debate in U. S. is about whether or not pay for eggs.
D. The planned studies will continue without interruption.
[单项选择]Passage Three
An ethics crisis at one of the world’s most successful human embryonic stem cell laboratories has plunged the controversial field of research into a new swirl of uncertainty. The accusations surrounding Korean cloning expert Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National University--the first scientist to grow stem cells inside cloned human embryos--has already killed a spate of planned studies that sought to prove the cells’ medical potential. The claims that Hwang may have obtained human eggs for his studies from women who felt pressured to donate are also reigniting a long-smoldering debate in the United States over the ethics of paying young women for their eggs, which are difficult to obtain but essential to the production of stem cells tailored to individuals.
Egg donation, which is generally safe but occasionally leads to serious and
A. Hwang paid the women for their eggs in his studies.
B. The charge of Hwang re-activized the debate in U. S..
C. The debate in U. S. is about whether or not pay for eggs.
D. The planned studies will continue without interruption.
[单项选择]One of the world’s most celebrated paintings, The Man with the Golden Helmet, long attributed to Rembrandt, is not a Rembrandt after all. So say several art experts, who base their conclusion on an analysis of stylistic features, especially details both of shading and of brushwork. In order to ascertain who really painted the well-known masterpiece, the experts have begun a series of, sophisticated new tests, including one that involves the activation of neutrons. These tests yield patterns for any painter that are as distinctive as a good set of fingerprints.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the conclusion of the art experts depends
A. The Man with the Golden Helmet was not painted during Rembrandt’s lifetime.
B. If even The Man with the Golden Helmet is of questionable attribution, then any supposedly authentic Rembrandt has now become suspect.
C. The painting known as The Man with the Golden Helmet is a copy of a Rembrandt original.
D. The original ascription of The Man with the Golden Helmet to Rembrandt was a deliberate fraud.
E. (E) There are significant consistencies among authentic Rembrandts in certain matters of style.
[单项选择]It is one of the world’s most recognized phrased, one you might even hear in places where little English is spoken: "The name’s Bond, James Bond". I’ve heard it from a taxi driver in Ghana and a street sweeper in Paris, and I remember the thrill of hearing Sean Connery say it in the first Bond film I saw, Gold Finger. I was a Chicago schoolgirl when it was released in 1904. The image of a candy-coloured London filled with witty people stately old buildings and a gorgeous, ice-cool hero instilled in me a deep-rooted belief that Britain was OK.
When Fan Fleming created the man with the license to kill, based on his own experiences while working for the British secret service in World War II, he couldn’t have imagined that his fictional Englishman would not only shake, but stir the entire world. Even world-weary actors are thrilled at being in a Bond movie. Christopher Walkon, everyone’s favorite screen psycho, who played mad genius Max Zorin in 1985’s A View to a Kill, gushed: "I r
A. lavish
B. sparing
C. increasingly expensive to make
D. difficult to finance
[填空题]Leonardo Di Caprio, one of the world’s most famous (act) ______, became a superstar after his wonderful performance in the movie Titanic in 1997.
[填空题]They go to one of the world’s most prestigious universities and pride themselves on their (36) intellect but almost half of Cambridge students admit they are not immune from the temptation to cheat and (37) essays they find on Google, a survey suggests.
The results of an anonymous online poll of more than 1,000 students (38) by the student newspaper Varsity found that (49) percent of undergraduates pass other people’s work off as their own at some point during their university (39) . Only 5 percent said they had (40) been caught plagiarising (剽窃).
Academics in universities across the country have been (41) by their peers of turning a blind eye to the practice to (42) their institutions climb national and international rankings.
One student told Varsity: "Sometimes, when I am really fed up, I Google the essay title, copy and throw everything on to a blank word (43)


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