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发布时间:2023-12-16 18:43:44

[单项选择]Which of the following statement is NOT true of therapeutic cloning
A. Therapeutic cloning is used mainly for research purposes and therefore should be allowed to continue.
B. Therapeutic cloning is used for medical purposes and not for reproducing full human beings.
C. Therapeutic cloning is used for replacing the diseased parts of human organs.
D. Brain cell can be used in the future to cure the Parkinson’s disease.

更多"Which of the following statement is"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following statement best described the efficient frontier It is the set of portfolios that has :()
A. the minimum risk for every level of return.
B. the maximum return for each level of beta based on the capital asset pricing model.
C. the maximum excess rate of return for every given level of risk.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement is NOT true of therapeutic cloning
A. Therapeutic cloning is used mainly for research purposes and therefore should be allowed to continue.
B. Therapeutic cloning is used for medical purposes and not for reproducing full human beings.
C. Therapeutic cloning is used for replacing the diseased parts of human organs.
D. Brain cell can be used in the future to cure the Parkinson’s disease.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement is true according to the first paragraph

A. Edison received the first American patent.
B. Edison got the most patents in America at that time.
C. Edison was the only American inventor.
D. Edison was the first American inventor.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement is true( )
A. It was a down week on Wall Street.
B. Consumer prices dropped a little bit more than expected in February.
C. The Fed is likely to cut interest rates.
D. Investors were not worried about the inflation.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement is true[A] The sheets are not provided.[B] Light and heat are included in the rent.[C] The rent is 7 pounds a week.
[简答题]Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the stylistic features of idioms.
Stylistically speaking, most idioms are neither formal nor informal.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement is NOT true
A. A study by Cesar Fraga of the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina confirmed healthy activity in the blood after eating dark chocolate.
B. Chocolate is produced from beans that contain large amounts of natural substances called flavonoids.
C. Research has shown that 14 grams of milk chocolate contain about four-hundred milligrams of flavonoids.
D. Flavonoids have been shown to protect the heart and the blood vessels from damage.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement is NOT true of language.( )
A. The powerful culture seldom respects the language of smaller groups.
B. In history, official language is a form of control over a group of people.
C. The language spoken by a powerful group spreads across a civilization.
D. The language of smaller groups is lost with the social development.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is true about the Knowledge
A. It’s composed of 568 runs.
B. It’s a blue book.
C. It’s an exam.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is TRUE about the speaker()
A. He has always lived in America.
B. He has been in America for three years.
C. He visited America three years ago.
D. He has come to America to do research on advertising.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT true according to the author

A. A pair of comfortable shoes is needed if you want to start walking program.
B. Walking is very useful for our health.
C. The more you walk, the better.
D. Walking can make you feel relaxed from pressur


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