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发布时间:2024-03-18 00:20:19


M: May I speak to Jason Daniels please
W: Nobody by that name works here.

What do we learn from this conversation ()
A. Jason Daniels isn’t at home right now.
B. Jason Daniels can’t come to the phone right now.
C. The caller dialed the wrong number.
D. Jason Daniels doesn’t want to speak to the caller.

更多"[听力原文] M: May I speak to Jason Da"的相关试题:


M: May I speak to Jason Daniels please
W: Nobody by that name works here.
Q: What do we learn from this conversation ()

What do we learn from this conversation ()
A. Jason Daniels isn’t at home right now.
B. Jason Daniels can’t come to the phone right now.
C. The caller dialed the wrong number.
D. Jason Daniels doesn’t want to speak to the caller.

M: May I speak to Jason Daniels please
W: Nobody by that name works here.

What do we learn from this conversation( ).
A. The man dialed (拨) the wrong number.
B. Jason Daniels can’ t come to the phone right now.
C. Jason Daniels isn’t home right now.

W: Hello, may I speak to Dean Steward
M: Speaking.
W: Oh, hello, Dr Steward, this is Hong. I just called to let you know that all arrangements have been made and I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning.
M: Well, so soon. Need any help
W: No, everything is OK, thanks. But I have got a lot more things to take home than I thought. I’ll probably be a little overweight.
M: That’s all right for the American air flight. You can have a handbag and a small backpack as carry-ons.
W: Then there won’t be any problem.
M: As I have said we are very glad to have had you here. It was a great pleasure. You’re definitely a good student and certainly a good teacher. You’ll go far.
W: Thank you. It has been a rewarding year and I appreciate all the help you have given to me. I will never forget the hospitality_ you showed by inviting me to stay at your place during the first t
A. To tell him she has made all arrangements for him.
B. To say farewell to him.
C. To give him thanks about his good arrangements.
D. To invite him to visit her country.


M: Hello, may I speak to Peter
W: Sorry, he’s out. May I take a message for him

Where are the two speakers talking ()
A. On a bus.
B. In the office over the telephone.
C. On the train.
D. In the street.

M: Hello, may I speak to Peter
W: Sorry, he’s out. May I take a message for him

Where are the two speakers talking()
A. On a bus.
B. In the office over the telephone.
C. On the train.
D. In the street.

Conversation 1
M: May I speak to Petty
W: Speaking.
M: Good morning, Petty.
W: Good morning, Steward.
M: I’d like to discuss your suggestion with you as soon as possible. Would Tuesday be all right for you
W: Tuesday. That’s tomorrow
M: Yes.
W: Let me see. How about tomorrow, say, 8:30
M: Then suppose I come to your office at 8:30 tomorrow.
W: Good. I’ll be expecting you then.
M: Thank you. Good-bye.
W: Good-bye.

What time do the two speakers agree to meet()
A. 8:30 in the morning, Tuesday.
B. 8:30 in the evening, Tuesday.
C. 8:30 in the morning, Monday.
D. 8:30 in the evening, Monday.

Conversation 1
M: Hello. May I speak to Bob
W: I’m sorry, but he left a few minutes ago.
M: That’s too bad.
W: Will you phone him again tonight
M: I’m sorry, but I won’t be free tonight.
W: Can I take a message
M: It’s very kind of you. There will be a lecture on English history by a famous professor at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon in the lecture hall. Please tell Bob not to be late.
W: Sure, bye.
M: Bye.

Why does the man phone Bob()
A. To tell Bob he won’t be free tonight.
B. To ask whether Bob has left or not.
C. To tell Bob there will be a lecture tomorrow afternoon.
D. To ask Bob whether he will be free tonight.

M: Hello, may I speak to Ann
W: Sorry, she is having a meeting outside. She’ll be back before lunch.

What is Ann doing now ()
A. She is having lunch outside.
B. She is making a phone call.
C. She is travelling outside.
D. She is having a meeting.

M: May I speak to Petty
W: Speaking.
M: Good morning, Petty.
W: Good morning, Steward.
M: I’d like to discuss your suggestion with you as soon as possible. Would Tuesday be all right for you
W: Tuesday. That’ s tomorrow
M: Yes.
W: Let me see. How about tomorrow, say ,8: 30
M: Then suppose I come to your office at 8:30 tomorrow.
W: Good. I’ll be expecting you then,
M: Thank you. Good-bye.
W: Good-bye.

What time do the two speakers agree to meet ()
A. 8:30 in the morning, Tuesday.
B. 8:30 in the evening, Tuesday.
C. 8:30 in the morning, Monday.
D. 8:30 in the evening, Monday.


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