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发布时间:2023-10-05 12:51:17


M: Hello, may I speak to Ann
W: Sorry, she is having a meeting outside. She’ll be back before lunch.

What is Ann doing now ()
A. She is having lunch outside.
B. She is making a phone call.
C. She is travelling outside.
D. She is having a meeting.

更多"[听力原文] M: Hello, may I speak to A"的相关试题:


M: Hello, may I speak to Ann
W: Sorry, she is having a meeting outside. She’ll be back before lunch.

What is Ann doing now ()
A. She is having lunch outside.
B. She is making a phone call.
C. She is travelling outside.
D. She is having a meeting.

M: Hello, may I speak to Peter
W: Sorry, he’s out. May I take a message for him

Where are the two speakers talking()
A. On a bus.
B. In the office over the telephone.
C. On the train.
D. In the street.

Conversation 1
M: Hello. May I speak to Bob
W: I’m sorry, but he left a few minutes ago.
M: That’s too bad.
W: Will you phone him again tonight
M: I’m sorry, but I won’t be free tonight.
W: Can I take a message
M: It’s very kind of you. There will be a lecture on English history by a famous professor at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon in the lecture hall. Please tell Bob not to be late.
W: Sure, bye.
M: Bye.

Why does the man phone Bob()
A. To tell Bob he won’t be free tonight.
B. To ask whether Bob has left or not.
C. To tell Bob there will be a lecture tomorrow afternoon.
D. To ask Bob whether he will be free tonight.

W: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Scott
M: Sorry, my father is visiting my grandpa in the town. Can I take a message

Who is the woman speaking to ()
A. Mr. Scott.
B. Mr. Scott’s son.
C. Mr. Scott’s grandpa.
D. Mr. Scott’s father.

M: Hello. I’d like to speak with Mr. Smith, please. This is Bill Kent with BCD Company.
W: Sorry, Mr. Kent, Mr. Smith is in conference now.

Who works for BCD Company ()
A. Mr. Smith.
B. Mr. Smith’s secretary.
C. The woman.
D. Mr. Kent.

[听力原文] 6-7
Kevin: Hello, I’d like to speak to AL.
Lady: Who’s calling please
Kevin: My name’s Kevin Chung.
Lady: What are you calling about
Kevin: A dishwasher job.
Lady: Hold on, I’ll see if AL is in.
AL: (A moment later)Hello, AL speaking.
Kevin: Yes, I’m calling about the dishwasher job.
AL: Do you have any experience
Kevin: No, but I can learn. I really need a job and I’m a hard worker.
AL: Okay. Come for the interview on Friday morning at nine. The address is 28 White Street.
Kevin: Thank you. See you Friday morning.

How many’ speakers are there in the conversation ()
A. The fisherman.
B. The hard worker.
C. The dishwasher job.
D. The manager’s job.

M: Hello! May I speak to Sam, please
W: Sorry. Nobody by that name works here.

What do we learn from this dialogue()
A. Sam is not at home now.
B. The woman must be angry at the man’s calling.
C. The man must have the wrong number.

W: Hello. May I speak to John, please
M: Sorry, he is busy repairing a customer scar.

What kind of job does John do most probably ()
A. Taxi driver.
B. Repairman.
C. Salesman.
D. Secretary.

M: Hello, may I speak to Peter
W: Sorry, he’s out. May I take a message for him

Where are the two speakers talking ()
A. On a bus.
B. In the office over the telephone.
C. On the train.
D. In the street.

M: Hello, may I speak to Mr Park
W: I am sorry. Mr Park has gone to business. Mr Brown and Mr William are taking over his work during this time. You can speak to them.

Who does the man want to speak to ( )
A. Mr William.
B. Mr Park.
C. Mr Brown.

Ann is a pilot, and she flies from New York to Boston four times a week. Her husband, Peter, is a househusband. He stays home with the children, aged two, six and eight. Peter likes staying home. He says that most fathers don’t spend enough time with their children. He loves his family. It’s a lot of work. In the morning, he cleans, shops, and does the laundry. In the afternoon, when the youngest takes a nap, he fixes TV sets. He has a small business at home. When the children come home from school, they play in the garden. Then, it’s time for homework.
Ann is usually home by 6:00 p.m. After dinner, she plays with the children and reads to them. When they’re in bed, Peter and Ann have some time to themselves.

In the morning, what does Peter do
He usually cleans, shops, and()


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