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发布时间:2024-05-30 03:43:17

[单项选择]After killing the American soldier, the four partisans ran away, rifle in hand()
A. 四个游击队员杀死了那个美国兵,然后逃跑了,那个美国人死时手里还拿着枪。
B. 杀死了那个美国兵之后,四个游击队员提着枪跑了。
C. 那个美国兵用枪杀死了四个游击队员后跑了,他们死时手里还拿着枪。
D. 四个游击队员用枪杀死了那个美同兵,然后逃跑了。

更多"After killing the American soldier,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After killing the American soldier, the four partisans ran away, rifle in hand()
A. 四个游击队员杀死了那个美国兵,然后逃跑了,那个美国人死时手里还拿着枪。
B. 杀死了那个美国兵之后,四个游击队员提着枪跑了。
C. 那个美国兵用枪杀死了四个游击队员后跑了,他们死时手里还拿着枪。
D. 四个游击队员用枪杀死了那个美同兵,然后逃跑了。

Expansion at Everall

After four consecutive years of record-breaking growth, Everall Technologies has announced plans to (41) its office facilities on Warner Road. The company has added over 200 employees in the last ten years alone, and is desperately in need of more space.According to an Everall spokesperson, the construction firm chosen to undertake the project is Build Lite Inc., and the work is estimated to take a little over a year to complete. (42) in the plans are a four-storey sales center, an auditorium with seating for 500, and a parking lot able to accommodate up to 1,200 vehicles. Both Everall and Build Lite have declined to (43) the cost of the project at this time. However, independent analysts predict it could reach over $10 million.

A. submit
B. expand
C. release
D. organize
[单项选择]After four years in America.he got()
A. a degree of doctor
B. a doctor’s degree
C. the degree of a doctor
D. a doctor degree
[单项选择]After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______.
A. deteriorated
B. dispersed
C. dissipated
D. drained
There are four passages in this part After each passage, there are five questions, you are to choose the best answer for each question.
The housing market has been for two years propping up consumers’ spirits while the rest of the economy lies exhausted on the floor, still trying to struggle to its feet. According to the National Association of Realtors, the national median existing-home price ended the year at $ 164, 000, up 7.1 percent from 2001. That’s the strongest annual increase since 1980.
Although residential real estate activity makes up less than 8% of total U. S. GDP, a housing market like this one can make the difference between positive and negative growth. Most significantly, consumer spending is 66% of GDP, and the purchase of a new home tends to have an "umbrella effect" on the homeowner’s spending as he has to stock it with a
A. the role of real estate activity.
B. the statistics on home prices.
C. the boom of housing market.
D. the degree of consumer spirits.
There are four passages in this part. After each passage, there are five questions, you are to choose the best answer for each question.
Fast food, a mainstay of American eating for decades, may have reached a plateau in the United States as the maturing baby-boom generation looks for a more varied menu. Fast food still represents a .$ 102 billion a year industry, but growth has turned sluggish recently amid tough competition from retail food stores and a more affluent population willing to try new things and spend more, analysts say. Signs of trouble in fast food include price-cutting by industry leaders, including efforts by McDonald’s to attract customers with a 55 cent hamburger, and major players pulling out or selling. O’Pepsico, for example, is selling its fast-food restaurant division that includes Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC.
"It’s b
A. Fast food disappoints consumers.
B. People prefer less expensive food.
C. McDonald’s dominates the market of fast food.
D. Fast food is losing its attraction.
[填空题]Article Four


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