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发布时间:2023-10-17 11:35:49

[单项选择]When ______ from milk, the remainder is called skim milk.
A. all the butterfat is removed
B. removing all the butterfat that
C. is all the butterfat removed
D. the removal of all the butterfat

更多"When ______ from milk, the remainde"的相关试题:

[填空题]Malnutrition during weaning age--when breast milk is being replaced by semisolid foods--is highly prevalent in children of poor households in many developing countries. While the etiology (病因学) is complex and multifactorial, the immediate causes are recognized as feeding at less than adequate levels for child growth and development, and recurrent infections, including diarrhea, resulting mainly from ingestion of contaminated foods. As a result, many young children, particularly between six months to two years of age, experience weight loss and impaired growth and development.
Studies by investigators in various countries have concentrated on traditional food preparation methods and have resulted in offering cheap and practical answers to these problems based on familiar, indigenous and culturally acceptable home processing practices.
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When students from other countries come to the United States ,they are sometimes shocked at the casualness in American college and university classes. For example, American professors do not dress up and they generally call students by their first names. Students can speak out in class, where they do not even need to raise their hands. In addition, in many schools, students can drink coffee, tea, juice, or soft drinks during classes. Foreign students can usually get used to these differences easily. However, two examples of American casualness are very difficult for some foreign students to understand. First, students sometimes call their teachers by their first names. Instead of calling a teacher Mr. Smith or Professor Adams, they call them Tom or John. In some countries, it is not possible for students to" first name" their teachers. Second, American students sometimes criticize the ideas of their teachers. They might also give their teachers suggestions about changin
A. Professor Johnson.
B. Edward.
C. Mr. Johnson.
D. Professor Edward.

[单项选择]When will Rudy come from Beijing
A. 8 o’clock in the evening.
B. 18 o’clock in the evening.
C. At about any hour in the evening.

The most important thing when honoring guests from foreign countries is to accept and understand the differences. Here are some of the differences that people have in their different cultures.
In the United States, Britain and most Western countries, men should remove their hats (including baseball caps) when attending church services, at funerals and during the singing of the national anthem. A gentleman never wears a hat inside a building, and a guest who walks into someone’s home wearing a hat is considered a buffoon whose parents did a bad job of educating their offspring——for it rarely rains inside a house!
The French are not rude, but they do not like smiles. They just believe that anyone who smiles a lot is an idiot. If you want to relate to the French, smile with your eyes, do not grin with your mouth.
Do not bring wine to dinner at the home of a French person; such an act is thought to show a lack of confidence in the host’
A. great
B. obscene
C. wonderful
D. all right


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