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发布时间:2023-12-15 18:32:43

[填空题]______(我不能肯定这次手术会不会成功), but I’ll do my best.

更多"______(我不能肯定这次手术会不会成功), but I’ll do"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What do you guess they’’ll do
A. Go to the class at once.
B. Make it in the dorm.
C. Skip over the work.
D. Find out the assignment.
[填空题]We’ll do our best to help those (fortune)()people.
[单项选择]What’ll Mary do tonight ()
A. She’ll go to the beach.
B. She’ll go to France.
C. She’ll drive to see her brother.
D. She’ll drive her mother to the airport.
[填空题]I hope you’ll do it a bit (carefully)()next time.
[填空题]I hope you’ll do it a bit (carefully) ______ next time.
[填空题]We’ll do our best to help those (fortune) ______ people.
A. 选择严格的适应症
B. 菌斑控制良好
C. 生物膜的良好固定和维持
D. 精确的手术操作
E. 以上都是
A. 术前经常翻转病人躯干和四肢
B. 术前改善全身状况,提高血红蛋白水平
C. 彻底切除坏死组织及受累组织
D. 皮瓣具有充分血供
E. 消灭无效腔,术后防止感染
A. 低钾血症
B. 高钾血症
C. 低钙血症
D. 高钙血症
E. 低镁血症
A. 隐匿的视网膜裂孔
B. 视网膜新裂孔形成
C. 视网膜复位不彻底
D. 增生性玻璃体视网膜病变
E. 玻璃体视网膜牵拉缓解不彻底
[单项选择]"We’ ll give the dispenser something to do. If we go on prescribing these, he’ll lose his cunning."
The students laughed, and the doctor gave them a circular glance of enjoyment in his joke. Then he touched the bell and, when the porter poked his head in, said: "Old women, please."
He leaned back in his chair, chatting with the house-physician while the porter herded along the old patients. They came in, strings of anemic girls, with large fringes and pallid lips, who could not digest their bad, insufficient food; old ladies, fat and thin, aged prematurely by frequent confinements, with winter coughs; women with this, that, and the other, the matter with them. Dr. Tyrell and his house-physician got through them quickly. Time was getting on, and the air in the small room was growing more sickly.
By about six o’clock they were finished. Philip, exhausted by standing all the time, by the bad air, and by the attention he had given, strolled over with his fellow-clerks to the
A. used to be absorbed in art
B. did not want to mention his life in Paris
C. is interested in producing beautiful things
D. does not like direct contact with people


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