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发布时间:2023-10-07 20:12:20

[单项选择]The morpheme "scope" in the common word "telescope" is a(n)
A. bound morpheme.
B. bound form.
C. inflectional morpheme.
D. free morpheme.

更多"The morpheme 'scope' in the common "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The morpheme "scope" in the common word "telescope" is a(n) ( ).
A. bound morpheme
B. derivational morpheme
C. inflectional morpheme
D. free morpheme
[名词解释]bound morpheme
[简答题]Illustrate free morpheme and bound morpheme.
[单项选择]The word "recollection" comprises ______ morpheme(s).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
[单项选择]The word "______" is NOT a free morpheme.
A. children
B. book
C. sing
D. use

The word "dog" is a common word that we all know but this word helps to form many interesting English expressions, which you might find useful in your daily speech.
You would hit the person who called you a dog, but you would smile at him if he called you a tiger. And you might get angry if told that you were going to be the dogs. We hear the ugliest people are described as dogs. A bad actor, a broken-down automobile and a cheap product are all called dogs. The poor dog! He has to put up with such distressing fact and dishonor. Still things could be worse for the oppressed animal as the Bible says: If the Bible offers no hope to man’s great and loyal friend, There is a very old expression that he might find more helpful: Every dog has his day. Even Shakespeare’s Hemlet noted : The cat will meow and the dog will have his day. When an oppressed man hears these words he feels lifted with hope.
There is one kind of behavior that es

[单项选择]This dictionary is a three-thousand common word collection with samples of ______ and spoken language.
A. writing
B. wrote
C. write
D. written
[填空题]Free morpheme may constitute words by themselves.()
[单项选择]A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language. The word dogs consists of morphemes and one syllable, and the word unladylike consists of______ morphemes and four syllables.
A. one, three
B. two, three
C. two, two
D. one, two
[单项选择]Which of the following about bound morpheme is NOT true
A. Bound morpheme can not occur unattached.
B. Bound morphemes are never words.
C. All the prefixes are bound morphemes.
D. Bound morphemes sometimes can be used alone.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT a bound morpheme( ).
A. un-.
B. -er.
C. Self.
D. -ity.

Like the space telescope he championed, astronomer Lyman Spitzer faced some perilous moments in his career. Most notably, on a July day in 1945, he happened to be in the Empire State building when a B- 25 Mitchell bomber lost its way in fog and crashed into the skyscraper 14 floors above him. Seeing debris falling past the window, his curiosity got the better of him, as Robert Zimmerman recounts in his Hubble history, The Universe in a Mirror. Spitzer tried to poke his head out the window to see what was going on, but others quickly convinced him it was too dangerous.
Spitzer was not the first astronomer to dream of sending a telescope above the distorting effects of the atmosphere, but it was his tireless advocacy, in part, that led NASA to launch the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990. Initially jubilant, astronomers were soon horrified to discover that Hubble’s 2.4-metre main mirror had been ground to the wrong shape. Although it was only off by 2.2 micrometers, this
A. to commemorate his perilous and dangerous experience in his early days
B. to show how the astronomer made and realized his dream
C. to present an analogy to the hard experiences of the future space telescope
D. to reveal how his dream of sending a telescope into space has materialized


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