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发布时间:2024-07-09 18:28:18

[名词解释]bound morpheme

更多"bound morpheme"的相关试题:

[简答题]Illustrate free morpheme and bound morpheme.
[单项选择]Which of the following about bound morpheme is NOT true
A. Bound morpheme can not occur unattached.
B. Bound morphemes are never words.
C. All the prefixes are bound morphemes.
D. Bound morphemes sometimes can be used alone.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT a bound morpheme( ).
A. un-.
B. -er.
C. Self.
D. -ity.
[填空题]Free morpheme may constitute words by themselves.()
[单项选择]A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language. The word dogs consists of morphemes and one syllable, and the word unladylike consists of______ morphemes and four syllables.
A. one, three
B. two, three
C. two, two
D. one, two
[单项选择]The morpheme "scope" in the common word "telescope" is a(n) ( ).
A. bound morpheme
B. derivational morpheme
C. inflectional morpheme
D. free morpheme
[单项选择]The word "recollection" comprises ______ morpheme(s).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
[单项选择]The word "______" is NOT a free morpheme.
A. children
B. book
C. sing
D. use
[单项选择]Educational development is bound up with economic progress.( )
A. in accordance with
B. consistent with
C. independent of
D. closely related to
[单项选择]The lower bound on European call option prices can be adjusted for cash flows of the underlying asset by :( )
A. adding the present value of the expected dividend payments to the current asset price.
B. subtracting the present value of the expected dividend payments from the exercise price.
C. subtracting the present value of the expected dividend payments from the current asset price.
[单项选择]Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.
A. tensely
B. nearly
C. carefully
D. closely
[填空题]He believes that their football team will be bound to ______ (win).
[单项选择]This sort of thing is bound to happen.
A. sure
B. quick
C. fast
D. swift
[填空题]For the inexperienced renters, they are bound to meet with some troubles.
[单项选择]Theme-park-bound bargain seekers would be wise to spend some time surfing online before they get in line at the parks this summer. A growing number of these attractions now allow customers to print e-tickets at home with large discounts off the gate price, in part to spur attendance that has declined in recent years. After boom times in the late 1990s, theme park attendance began to decrease, with an overall decline of about 4% over the past few years at North America’’s 50 most-visited establishments, says James Zoltak, editor of Amusement Business. "The bloom was off the rose as we turned the corner into 2000, so there’’s more discounting now," he says. Discounting isn’’t new to an industry that has long partnered with other commercial enterprises, such as soft drink companies, to offer deals. But e-ticketing adds a new opportunity that not only brings savings but convenience as well, since it allows visitors to avoid the line at the gate. "If you can get in early
A. time is money
B. discounting isn’t everything
C. e-ticketing attracts more partners
D. it is wise to surf online


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